Milestone Co-Founder Applies to Join DC’s Milestone Initiative

Milestone Co-Founder Applies to Join DC’s Milestone Initiative

One of Milestone Media’s co-founders, Michael Davis, has applied to join DC Comics’ Milestone Initiative. Previously announced at DC FanDome, the talent recruitment program is set to recognize diverse creators aspiring to work in the comic book industry.

Throughout the 90s’, Milestone Media was a powerhouse in the comic book industry, run by creators telling original stories from diverse perspectives not often highlighted through the medium. Working alongside the late great Dwayne McDuffie, Robert Washington III, Derek T. Dingle along with Denys Cowan, writer/artist Michael Davis played a crucial part in the creation of Static and the rest of the Dakotaverse. Although decades have passed since Icon, Hardware, Blood Syndicate, and other titles were first published, the team’s legacy has continued to impact comics. Coinciding with the rebooted Milestone titles this past year, DC Comics and Milestone recently announced the Milestone Initiative, a program intended to find young creators from diverse backgrounds and provide an opportunity for them to learn about the comic book industry.

With the new Milestone Initiative, Michael Davis saw an opportunity to get some recognition for what he could offer DC Comics and the broader industry. Considering Davis had a hand in creating Milestone’s most popular hero, even incorporating aspects of his youth in Static AKA Virgil Hawkins’ life, he’s a slightly overqualified contender. Davis’ tongue-in-cheek submission to the Milestone Initiative was accompanied with a tweet in which he wrote about his admiration of the program, saying, “The Milestone Initiative mentor program won’t be a game changer, culture change is more like it. Yes, it will be a portal for greatness, but more importantly a place where community, history & purpose can thrive. Well done @reghud @DenysCowan @DCComics”

Milestone Co-Founder Applies to Join DC’s Milestone Initiative

Fans of the original Milestone of the 90s would be excited to have one of the key co-founders return in any capacity. It’s possible that Davis has moved onto new ventures, but with the abundance of Milestone projects in the works, there are several ways in which he could easily contribute. However, the enduring cultural resonance of the Dakotaverse already contains Davis’ imprint.

Looking ahead to the future of Milestone and the broader comic book industry, Davis seems hopeful from his tweet that diverse creators will find deserved recognition. Although the original iteration of Milestone Media might be in the past, there is a lot for audiences to look forward to. As the Milestone Initiative is set to discover fresh talent and train storytellers, there is much credit to be given as they continue work that Davis, McDuffie, Cowan, and others began.