Miles Morales’ Team-Up With Blade May Be to Blame for Marvel’s BLOOD HUNT – Theory Explained

Miles Morales’ Team-Up With Blade May Be to Blame for Marvel’s BLOOD HUNT – Theory Explained

Warning: Spoilers for Web of Spider-Man #1!As the massive Blood Hunt event prepares to fall upon the Marvel Universe, it is becoming all the more apparent that Blade and Miles Morales‘ Spider-Man may be to blame. Marvel’s explicit vampire event is promising to be a Civil War-sized catastrophe once the miniseries hits shelves in May. It will see Blade lead the superhero community against an incoming wave of vampires.

The beginning seeds seem to be planted in the section of Web of Spider-Man #1 starring Miles Morales, with hints that a previous crossover with Blade could be leading Marvel into the Blood Hunt arc. A sudden horde of vampires starts rushing through New York, but Miles recognizes them as the creatures he and Blade fought in their struggle against the ancient vampire lord, R’ym’r.

Miles Morales’ Team-Up With Blade May Be to Blame for Marvel’s BLOOD HUNT – Theory Explained

It’s already been revealed that Blade will play a big role in Blood Hunt, and cover art hints that MIles Morales may end up getting turned into a vampire. If the two are indeed responsible for Marvel’s impending vampire attack, then it could further complicate the teamwork they try to establish with their fellow heroes.

How Blade and Miles Morales’ Spider-Man May Be Involved with Blood Hunt

“Miles Morales: Spider-Man” by Cody Ziglar, Eleonora Carlini, and Arthur Hesli in Web of Spider-Man #1

Hightail tells Miles Morales Spider-Man that Rymr the vampire is back

Released last Halloween, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 by Cody Ziglar and Federica Mancin sees New York suddenly infested with energy vampires. Miles Morales joins forces with Blade and his daughter, Bloodline, to get to the bottom of things. Blade instantly recognizes these vampires as belonging to someone he calls “an immortal gluttony God who doesn’t take to dying so easy.” He’s talking about R’ym’r, the Insatiable One, a monstrous vampire lord who cannot be killed, merely contained. In the next issue, using magic, Blade is able to seal him away in an artifact, but as Hightail tells Miles, “it didn’t take.”

Miles Morales Spider-Man and Blade attacking vampires


Miles Morales Officially Debuts New Spider-Man Costume (To Match His New MCU-Style Superhero Mentor)

Holy water webs, magic-infused Venom-Saber, and a cool cloak of his own – Miles Morales gets a sweet outfit upgrade to fight a new type of threat.

In Web of Spider-Man, after fighting off vampires together, Hightail – who was briefly forced under R’ym’r’s influence during the Halloween crossover – confirms that she still senses R’ym’r’s presence, even though neither can decipher why or how that’s possible. Moments later, readers see one surviving energy vampire fleeing with the miniature statue that Blade sealed R’ym’r away in, ensuring his master will be leading an incoming change over the world. For now, until the story continues to unfold in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21, it’s unclear as to what plans R’ym’r has or how this rogue vamp got ahold of Blade’s statue.

This Revelation Could Hurt Blade and Miles’ Relationship with Other Marvel Heroes

Hightail doesn't think Blade and Miles Morales Spider-Man's spell against the vampire Rymr worked

The ending tells readers that Blade’s services are needed alongside Miles Morales again. Granted, Blade’s hands are currently full with making sure that Marvel’s newest threat, the Adana, doesn’t plunge the world into darkness. But with Blade’s solo series coming to a close soon, his adventures should be wrapped up in time to leap into Miles’ story. Still, though, when Blade is already alienating heroes leading into Blood Hunt, being the reason for the vampire army dominating the Marvel Universe won’t endear him to any friendships. Even worse, Blade‘s shortcomings could be bringing Miles Morales right down with him.