Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Who Is The New Green Ranger?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Who Is The New Green Ranger?

Warning: spoilers ahead for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55!

A new Green Ranger has come to the pages of Boom! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series, and couldn’t have come at a better time to help the Rangers out. When Lord Zedd unleashed his Dark Rangers and their Terrorzords to attack Zordon and his Power Rangers, things were looking pretty bleak. However, thanks to the efforts of Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger, and Grace Sterling, a new Green Ranger was chosen (without the blessing of Zordon). Who is this new Green Ranger, and are they someone the rest of the Rangers can trust?

In recent issues of Power Rangers, Billy had been working with Grace and her company Promethea to restore the dragon coin so that Zordon might enlist a new Green Ranger to their ranks. However, Grace, a former Red Ranger who has some beef with Zordon, decided not to tell him about the dragon coin, and requested that Billy not tell him either. She then recommends that she and Billy choose a new Green Ranger themselves, from a list of candidates she’s compiled. To Billy’s shock, Grace’s preferred choice is none other than Drakkon, the evil Tommy Oliver from the alternate future of the Shattered Grid event, who’s currently sitting in a cell. Billy is obviously against the idea, but Grace informs him that this dark Tommy is more complex than the Rangers know, and could prove to be a valuable and formidable asset to the team. While they don’t come to a full decision, Grace suggests that he could be perfect for a worst case scenario.

Now, that worst case scenario has come in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55 from writer Ryan Parrott and artist Moisés Hidalgo. Lord Zedd is attacking Angel Grove in full force, wielding the Chaos Crystal to boost the powers of his Dark Rangers and their Terrorzords. While on the ropes, Billy contacts Grace to tell her that the time has come to enact the Green Protocol. Grace agrees, so she goes to Drakkon’s cell to offer him a second chance for redemption. While readers don’t get to see his response, fans see a new Green Ranger arriving to the battlefield to face Lord Zedd all the same, much to his surprise and shock.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Who Is The New Green Ranger?

The new Green Ranger does some intense damage to Lord Zedd, and also destroys the powerful Chaos Crystal powering the Dark Rangers, an act which could have killed them both. Throughout their entire duel, the new Green Ranger says nothing, fighting in silence. In the aftermath, Lord Zedd swears revenge on this new Ranger, though it may be a while, since he collapses before his throne, left in poor shape. Meanwhile, the new Green Ranger returned to Grace and Promethea, though their face remained hidden. Grace is pleased, and promises that if the new Ranger can find a way to work with her, they’ll both get what they want.

While the issue makes great strides to show the new Ranger’s face and confirm their true identity, it’s blatantly obvious that the new Green Ranger is Drakkon, the dark Tommy Oliver. However, the reason behind his choice to work with Grace is the true mystery. Is this alternate Tommy truly seeking redemption, looking to become a hero once more, or does he have ulterior motives which only Grace can help him follow? Perhaps it’s a mixture of both? Power Rangers fans will have to wait and see as the series continues, but one thing is for certain: when the rest of the Rangers and Zordon find out that Drakkon is the new Green Ranger (and that Billy helped make it happen), they’re not going to be happy.