Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Throughout the course of the Power Rangers franchise, super-powered teams of young people have faced off against a lot of evil. Starting with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the team battled a new monster nearly every week along with the big bads of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd.

One thing they didn’t face off against? A zombie apocalypse. This variation on end-of-the-world stories has been catapulted into popularity by The Walking Dead over the last decade. In a world where the dead overrun the planet and infrastructure falls, however, would original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers characters stand a chance against the same kind of threat that took out so many of Rick Grimes’ friends?

Yes: Trini

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Original Yellow Ranger Trini is one of the most underrated Power Rangers in the lineup. People tend to look her over because she’s unfailingly kind and her most frequently referenced interest is being an environmentalist.

Trini has a couple of things going for her when it comes to taking on zombies. She’s incredibly calm under pressure. It’s only heights that really scare her, and she gets over that fear pretty quickly. She’s also one of the only Power Rangers who regularly uses her weapons in early appearances, making her someone who can wield pointy objects to a zombie brain well in close combat. Trini happens to be one of the few Power Rangers to actually survive in a similar situation – at least in the Boom Studios comics. When Lord Drakkon takes over and uses sentries fueled by Power Coins to run the Earth, Trini is one of the leaders of the resistance.

No: Alpha-5

Alpha-5 in the Command Center in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

There is a common factor when zombies take over the world in TV and film: infrastructure and technology slowly go away as well. As humanity is subjected to zombie bites, they lose their technicians, their power companies, their internet, and their factories. That means that someone like Alpha-5 would end up out of commission anyway.

Alpha-5, the robot devoted to Zordon and the Power Rangers, wouldn’t be able to help anyone if there was no power source left to operate him. He might be helpful in the short term, but he would, tragically, power down just as circumstance becomes dire.

Yes: Bulk

Bulk And Kimberly In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

This might be a bit of a controversial statement since Bulk is a bully in the television series – and he also doesn’t seem to be all that good at very many things. Fans of the “Shattered Grid” arc of the Boom Studios comic book series, however, will now that Bulk has some potential.

When Lord Drakkon comes to power, Bulk doesn’t accept things as they are. He joins the resistance. In fact, he becomes close friends with both Trini and Kimberly, accompanying them on raids. Bulk is a survivor who would really prove himself in a zombie apocalypse.

No: Kat

Kat first meets Tommy in the juice bar in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Of all of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Kat is the last to join the party. She’s got the least experience in combat, but that’s not why she wouldn’t make a good teammate.

While Kat is always incredibly supportive of her teammates and friends, she also has a bad habit of being the one Ranger to end up surrounded by bad guys. Kat spends a lot of her fight scenes calling out for help. She would be a liability to the rest of the team as they try to survive in a world full of zombies.

Yes: Adam

Adam morphs in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie

Like Trini, Adam is a massively underrated member of the team. He joins in the second season when he and his friends make the move from Stone Canyon to Angel Grove High to replace the former Black, Yellow, and Red Rangers. Adam’s the quietest member of the team, but he packs a powerful punch, even stepping up and operating Tommy’s zord for him in the Zeo season.

He knows a variety of martial arts, trains in boxing, and is familiar with a few different weapons, making him valuable in a combat situation. Adam also, however, is a fast learner, able to analyze and adapt to new situations quickly, as he does every time his powers and suit color changes. He’s one of the few members of the team to notice when something “just isn’t right,” and he’d be a great lookout on a supply run when the team needs to avoid zombies at all costs.

No: Skull

Power Rangers The Potion Notion

Bulk might become a member of the resistance in the comics, but Skull doesn’t get the same amount of time on the page. Like Bulk in the series, he also doesn’t have a lot of practical skills.

The audience knows that Skull can play the piano exceptionally well from the TV show, but those light fingers probably aren’t going to help him in the world of zombies. He’s much more likely to run scared than his best friend Bulk, putting the rest of the group at risk.

Yes: Tommy

Power Rangers Green No More

This one is a bit of a no-brainer. Tommy goes on to become the most decorated Power Ranger of all time. He takes on a leadership role when Zordon asks him to, and he always tries to find a solution to a problem, no matter how dire the circumstances seem.

Tommy would very much take charge of his ragtag group of survivors if Angel Grove was overrun by zombies. He wouldn’t hesitate to give citizens a safe place to hunker down in Zordon’s command center either, giving up the secret of his Power Ranger identity if it meant saving lives. Tommy would do whatever it takes to give people a chance to survive.

No: Rita Repulsa

Rita Repulsa grimacing

There might be some fans of the series who would want Rita Repulsa to join their zombie fighting squad at the end of the world. After all, she’s got a magic staff, and she always seems to live to see another day – even after spending 10,000 years in a space dumpster.

Rita might have all of that power, but she doesn’t have anyone else’s interests in mind. She’d bolt to save herself at the first sign of trouble. Besides, she might cause the zombie apocalypse in the first place.

Yes: Kimberly

Kimberly smiles for the camera in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

Kimberly often gets lumped in with Kat as a damsel in distress – likely because they’re both Pink Rangers. She isn’t, however, in need of help as often as Kat. Kimberly finds creative solutions to make sure she survives. That involves tricking Goldar into believing she’s as evil as Rita at one point!

Kimberly would likely be the person to find a way to mask humans from zombie notice – like The Walking Dead characters do by wearing zombie blood themselves. She’d be “totally” grossed out by it, of course, but she’d do it. Kimberly also happens to be the one Power Ranger who loves to garden and is incredibly well-versed in different plants. She’d be the one to make sure they found a way to grow food.

No: Zordon

Zordon in His Time Warp During Power Rangers

Zordon is an incredibly valuable resource for the main characters when they become Power Rangers. He knows seemingly everything about all of the monsters Rita brings to Earth. Unless the zombies are an alien species he’s familiar with or start as Rita’s monsters, he’s not going to be of help.

There’s also the issue of just how long power could even be maintained in the command center with zombies overrunning the local town and halting maintenance of the local power grid. Zordon, who is trapped in a space-time bubble in the command center for most of the series, would likely be gone for good.