Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 10 Times the Original Black Ranger Proved He Should Have Been Team Leader

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 10 Times the Original Black Ranger Proved He Should Have Been Team Leader

Zack Taylor’s role on the original 1990s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team should not go unnoticed, as subsequent stories have proven he has what it takes to be team leader. While never explicitly described as such, many audiences consider Zack the team’s second-in-command. At times when Red Ranger Jason was M.I.A., it would be Zack giving the orders and, most importantly, delivering the “it’s morphin time!” call to action.

Officially or otherwise, being positioned as the Power Rangers second-in-command suggested that Zack, out of everyone in the team’s original line-up, had the most leadership potential, beyond Jason. That notion would be validated and expanded upon in BOOM! Studios’ ongoing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic series. The series continues to put a bigger spotlight on classic characters, helping to redefine them in thrilling ways, as the scope of Power Rangers stories continues to expand. In Zack’s case, the original Black Ranger has a number of stand-out moments that confirm exactly why he had the potential to have been the team leader all along.

10 Leading The Team In Jason’s Absence

Go Go Power Rangers #4

In Go Go Power Rangers #4, Zack asks Zordon point-blank why he wasn’t chosen to lead the team. Considering everything that Zack did in the series up to that point, even Zordon has to admit he earned the right to inquire. Earlier, in Go Go Power Rangers #1, the team traveled to Rita Repulsa’s moon palace for a rescue mission. When the Red Ranger left the team to take Rita head-on and alone – an impulsive decision which did not go well – Zack took charge and completed the mission, saving the lives of several endangered astronauts. In Go Go Power Rangers #4, when Jason is once again missing in action, Zack leads the team in their fight against a city-wide monster attack.

9 Piloting The Megazord, Saving The Day

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 10 Times the Original Black Ranger Proved He Should Have Been Team Leader

Zack’s frustrations with not being the team leader persisted in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5, where the team had to stop a giant monster from attacking Italy. Similar to the last entry, Jason unexpectedly exited the Megazord to swipe at the monster, and save its target, the Italian Prime Minister. Zack was forced to quite literally steer the ship, and his operating of the Dino Megazord ultimately saved the day. Unfortunately, it was the Red Ranger who received the crowd’s admiration, earning credit for the Black Ranger’s hard work, something that Rita Repulsa later tapped into, in an attempt to manipulate Zack into becoming her Green Ranger.

8 Figuring Out Matthew Was An Impostor

Go Go Power Rangers #7

Go Go Power Rangers #7, Zack and Billy of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are suspicious of Matthew Cook

A few issues prior to this, future Green Ranger Matthew Cook was kidnapped by Rita Repulsa and replaced by a shapeshifting Putty in disguise. It was Zack who was savvy enough to notice “Matthew’s” suspicious behavior, especially considering he and Matthew were childhood friends. On the night of Homecoming, Zack tested his theory by asking the would-be Matthew about something that never actually happened when they were kids. The impostor fell for the bait, acting as if he remembered this made-up story vividly. This proves to be the first step in the shapeshifter being found out for what he really was, later in the issue.

7 Leading The Coinless Resistance

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13, Coinless resistance leader Zack Taylor, with Tommy Oliver from the main timeline.

The World of the Coinless refers to an alternate reality where not only Tommy Oliver remained evil by Rita Repulsa’s side, but overtook the world for himself, conquering it as Lord Drakkon. When main-continuity Tommy and Billy were transported to this universe, they met the surviving resistance against Drakkon, who were skeptical that the duo were who they claimed to be. They were brought before the resistance’s leader to evaluate the situation, and it turned out to be Zack. The fact that the original Black Ranger was looked at as worthy of leading humanity’s last hope in an apocalyptic scenario proved that he always had strong leadership qualities, as he seamlessly stepped up in the aftermath of Jason’s alleged death.

6 Dying To Save His Younger Self

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28

Cpanels from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28, Coinless Zack Taylor saves Mighty Morphin Power Ranger's Black Ranger

Sadly, the older Zack Taylor ultimately suffered the same fate as their world’s Jason, but at least it came as part of a noble sacrifice. The Rangers returned to the World of the Coinless when Drakkon’s plot led him to steal Morphers from across the multiverse, abducting Ninjor in the process. Coinless leader Zack, his younger counterpart, and the rest of the resistance undertook a rescue mission, until they were confronted by Finster-5’s forces. A shot was fired at present-day Zack, only for Coinless Zack to push him out the way and take the bullet. Thankfully, he was later revived, when Drakkon’s tampering with time was undone.

5 Leading Black Ranger Team-Up

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2017 #1

In a twist on the classic 10th-anniversary episode and iconic Red Ranger crossover, “Forever Red,” this one-shot compiled a parade of Black Rangers for one massive team-up. Except, rather featuring than Black Rangers from different teams and seasons, it brought together versions of Mighty Morphin’s Zack and Adam from across the Power Rangers multiverse. An alternate universe’s old, disgruntled Adam summoned everyone in the multiverse with a Mastodon Power Coin. Main canon Zack was confused when he suddenly teleported, but as soon as he understood someone was in dire need of help, he had no problem leaping into action on short notice, like any leader.

4 Comforting New Black Ranger Adam

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #48

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #48, original Black Ranger Zack Taylor comforts Adam Park, new Black Ranger

Speaking of Adam, at this point in time, Zack had already left for the Peace Conference, which turned out to just be a cover-up, in order for him to become the Omega Black Ranger for the franchise’s strongest team. He was replaced by Adam as the Mighty Morphin squad’s Black Ranger. Since Adam was still new, he feared he’s not living up to the standards set by Zack, but the original Black Ranger assureed him what being a Ranger and a friend was all about. Not every Ranger can necessarily share the same qualities, but in Zack’s case, he has always maintained a keen focus on doing what he can do best, while helping his teammates see the best qualities in themselves.

3 Talking Sense Into Tommy

Mighty Morphin #14

panels from Mighty Morphin #14, Black Ranger Zack Taylor talks some sense into White Ranger Tommy Oliver.

One sign of a good leader is someone who is not afraid to call out the team’s actual leader for acting nonsensical, or for making a mistaken judgment call. Zack hds to do just that in Mighty Morphin #14. White Ranger Tommy had some animosity for the new Green Ranger, Matthew, which Tommy suggested was due to differing opinions, as Matthew worked for Promethea. Zack pushed his friend and teammate to be honest with himself, getting Tommy to admit that the feud derived from Matthew previously dating Kimberly. Zack explained that once Tommy became honest and secure with his feelings, the sooner he could let them go and move on to more pressing matters.

2 Appointing Kimberly As The New Resistance Leader

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1

Although Zack would return to life, with the revival of the Coinless world in Shattered Grid’s aftermath, it only delayed the inevitable, as the Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless one-shot revealed the final fate of the original Black Ranger. Upon finding a newly zombified version of Zack, Kimberly had a flashback to their last mission together. Facing certain death, Kimberly struggles to save Zack, but showing no fear, he did what any leader should do before their exit: promote their second-in-command to their role. Before falling to his second and final death, Zack declared the Ranger Slayer as the team’s next leader.

1 Confesses Leaving War King To Die

Power Rangers #12

Power Rangers #12, former Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Black Ranger Zack Taylor tells Omega Rangers his secret

During a mission on the planet Hartunia, the Omega Rangers rescued several refugees, bringing them onto their ship before the planet’s destruction. The exception to this rescue effort was the Emperor, who Zack saw running toward them as they were leaving, but didn’t help. The Emperor was driven by war, and Zack thought his fate was what he deserved, but his death still haunted the Ranger everywhere he went. He finally confessed his deliberate inaction to his teammates in Power Rangers #12. One true sign of a good leader is someone admitting they were wrong when the need arises, and as a result, this is further proof that Zack Taylor would have made a great leader for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.