Midnight In The Switchgrass Review: Megan Fox Is Underserved In Lackluster Thriller

Midnight In The Switchgrass Review: Megan Fox Is Underserved In Lackluster Thriller

At this point, most folks know how to make a compelling crime thriller. There are a set of tropes, archetypes, and narrative rules that have been established over the years that lend creatives the framework in which to offer a traditional take or a subversive one. Midnight in the Switchgrass feels as though screenwriter Alan Horsnail and director Randall Emmett simply checked the basic boxes they believed would make for a satisfying story. However, the film is anything but. Although the film’s narrative is passable at best, it struggles to maintain any momentum due to uninteresting characters and predictably bad writing.

Midnight in the Switchgrass’ story is fairly uninteresting and wholly uninspired. There is a serial killer on the loose in Pensacola, Florida and he is targeting young women who are sex workers. He uses his job as a truck driver to avoid detection, however, there is a passionate state cop hot on his tail. This honorable member of the broken justice system crosses paths with FBI duo Agent Rebecca Lombardo (Megan Fox) and Agent Karl Helter (Bruce Willis), who are working the same perpetrator from a different angle, leading them to work together to capture the predator.

Midnight In The Switchgrass Review: Megan Fox Is Underserved In Lackluster Thriller

Despite prominence in the credits and the advertising of the film, Willis’ Karl is utterly wasted in the film and his role unneeded. The film falters due to its lack of focus on Fox’s Rebecca, who is desperately pursuing justice for these young women who deserve a champion at the risk of endangering herself. Much of the film hinges upon Rebecca putting herself in harm’s way to save lives, but she is criminally underutilized. Emile Hirsch’s state cop Byron Crawford, meanwhile, is the typical archetype who is fed up with a justice system that does not honor the lives of the victims. While Rebecca and Crawford aren’t reinventing any wheels, they are made to look slightly better by Willis’ character being laughably underwritten.

In more ways than one, Willis’ presence undermines the film. His scenes undercut Fox’s performance and screen time and his less than enthusiastic line delivery are better off left behind. The film attempts to have an interesting visual palette and a compelling musical score that does more to lead the emotion of the film than the performances and story ever could. While there is an attempt to be better, it is all for naught, with poor pacing and terrible writing that tries to be far more grandiose than the film is capable of. The film tries to be like other great crime thrillers, such as Silence of the Lambs, Seven or Prisoners. However, there is a lot that does not come together and it is difficult to overcome.

Bruce Willis talking to Megan Fox in a diner in Midnight In The Switchgrass

Starting from the top, with incompetent directing that fails to bring the best out of the cast, to the script and editing, which at times is bafflingly choppy. The film also lacks a thematic through-line that provides the audience with a reason to care about these characters, their pursuit of this predator, and whether they succeed or not. Ultimately, the film needed a stronger creative vision that saves it from feeling so hollow and sloppily put together. Midnight In The Switchgrass is one of many Bruce Willis vehicles that is a clear paycheck gig and not a meaningful pursuit of quality work. Fox and Hirsch do their best with what they’ve been given, while Lukas Haas does what he needs to do to play the part of the creepy and sadistic serial killer.

While the latter three actors do all the heavy lifting to try and create something worth watching, what will inevitably happen is that the film will disappear amongst the millions of titles available on streaming platforms. Of the two Megan Fox-led films to be released this month, however, Midnight In The Switchgrass is not the one worth acknowledging. With so much available these days, Midnight In The Switchgrass is not worth the 100 minutes of lost time.

Midnight In The Switchgrass is releasing in select theaters, on demand and digital Friday, July 23. It is 100 minutes long and is rated R for violence and language throughout.