Microsoft President Pours Cold Water On Metaverse Hype

Microsoft President Pours Cold Water On Metaverse Hype

The metaverse hype is real, but Microsoft’s President recently downplayed the hype and issued a reminder that people will continue to live in the real world. The likes of Mark Zuckerberg have hyped up the metaverse as the next generation of the internet, one that will be more immersive and will include experiences ranging from gaming and social media to its very own digital economy.

That aggressive pitch happens to be a dream that is still far away, and there are a ton of hurdles — both material and regulatory — before the public will feel confident in entering a metaverse. However, that hasn’t dissuaded deep-pocket brands from building their own experiences. Facebook is betting big on Horizon, NVIDIA is dreaming up an Omniverse, while Roblox and Fortnite are already wannabe metaverses. Of course, Microsoft is not sitting idly by either.

Microsoft President Brad Smith is not so sold on the ‘revolutionary’ potential of metaverses just yet. Talking to Reuters, Smith mentioned that entering a metaverse is not like entering a new dimension. To make the point clearer, Smith added that the experience “is not like dying and going to heaven.” For reference, Microsoft just announced its own metaverse plans with Mesh for Teams offering 3D avatars and more immersive meetings. All of which puts Microsoft on a similar path to Meta — formerly known as Facebook.

Metaverses Need To Solve Existing Internet Problems

Microsoft President Pours Cold Water On Metaverse Hype

Smith added that creating hype for the metaverse to generate enthusiasm is appropriate, but it should be kept in mind that these are long-term technology trends. With Microsoft and Meta’s versions of metaverse already starting to take shape, the Microsoft executive predicts that more big players, like Google and Apple, will also enter the segment soon with their own metaverses. Rumors suggest that Apple’s first AR/VR headset might arrive as early as next year, and to go with it, Apple will almost certainly create experiences that offer a glimpse of its version of a metaverse.

Another crucial point Smith made, stakeholders cannot simply move towards developing the metaverse without fixing the internet’s existing problems. It needs to be “safer, more secure, more private, more respectful, even of humanity’s needs,” Smith added. The Microsoft executive’s sentiments align with concerns that others have already raised, especially with Meta’s deep involvement in the segment. For example, existing stakeholders that have been making metaverse products for some time aren’t too psyched about Meta’s arrival. Not to mention, with many companies not having the best track records on privacy and data security, a robust regulatory framework and safety checks are likely to be an absolute necessity before Meta, Microsoft, or any version of the metaverse becomes a reality.

Sources: Reuters, Microsoft