Michael Bay Stalls Transformers 3 To Make “Small” Movie?

What do you expect from every new Michael Bay movie? Explosions? Car chases? Gunfire? Ridiculous action sequences? A big-budget? Indeed, but what you might not expect is for it be small in scale. Well, that’s exactly what Bay says he wants to make after he’s done with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – and not only that, but he wants to stall the third film in the giant robot franchise to make time for it.

During a recent interview, Bay revealed that he wants to take a break from the giant destructive alien robots – “I would like to take a year off… I might do a small in-between movie.” Is such a thing possible from the bombastic filmmaker? Apparently it is – “There can be [a small movie],” he laughed, “I have a small little movie I keep wanting to do.”

Although being very conservative with the details, Bay did give us a little tease as to what shape the film may take, including a comparison to the favorite movie of yours truly – “It’s good… It’s like a ‘Pulp Fiction’ type of movie… [It’s based on] a true story, and it’s very funny… It’s a dark comedy.”

This explains why he was so hot to deem false the July 1st, 2011 release date that was announced by Paramount and DreamWorks – he wants time to shoot this mysterious “small” movie first.

Is all this a sign of Bay growing up a little bit? It doesn’t seem like he’s just sick of being branded an action-guy and wants to do a completely different type of movie just to show off. He seems to have had this idea in mind for a long time, and it’s just been giant alien robots, invading Japanese planes and huge asteroids heading to Earth that’s been holding him back.

This is obviously quite strange to hear from the guy who’s done nothing but explosive, bombastic, big-budget action flicks all of his career. I just don’t know if Bay can pull off a small movie like he’s describing (particularly because it’s also a dark comedy, another new avenue for the director) – I don’t think he knows how…

What do you make of Bay wanting to take a break from Transformers and make a much smaller film? Do you have any interest in seeing a Bay movie that doesn’t have a budget size attributable to a small country’s wealth?

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen opens in theaters on June 24th this year.