MHA Finally Delivers the Ochaco Vs Toga Fight Fans Have Waited For

MHA Finally Delivers the Ochaco Vs Toga Fight Fans Have Waited For

Warning: Spoilers for My Hero Academia Season 6, Episode 10Fans of My Hero Academia have been waiting for Himiko Toga to have her face off with Ochaco Uraraka for quite some time. Now that the moment’s finally here, will their confrontation be what everyone has been waiting for?

As a villain, Toga is fairly complex, a fact which has garnered her no small number of dedicated fans. Despite her villainy, Toga has some very strong feelings towards both Midoriya and Ochaco, and in their previous encounters, she’s had a hard time understanding why they aren’t willing to reciprocate. For Himiko Toga, all she wants is to be able to use her Quirk freely, something which she sees as an expression of love, but her Quirk almost inherently requires violence in order to work, making her affection something most people should really try to avoid.

However, there’s another aspect to this entire situation: the death of Twice. Twice, as a villain, was killed by the hero Hawks, largely because his power was simply too dangerous to allow it to fall into enemy hands. Since Toga was very close to Twice, his death hurt her greatly, and has convinced her once again that heroes really are a dangerous enemy. And, since both Midoriya and Ochaco are in training to be heroes, it immediately became important to her to find out how they felt about heroes killing villains. Thus, Toga launched her scheme to get Ochaco alone in order to ask… but she does all of this by disguising herself as an old woman and then holding a knife to Ochaco’s chest.

Toga and Ochaco are Pure Miscommunication

MHA Finally Delivers the Ochaco Vs Toga Fight Fans Have Waited For

From Toga’s (admittedly delusional) perspective, her fear is that these people who she believes she loves are in a position to potentially try to kill her, so a desire for this confrontation makes some sort of sense. However, Ochaco and Midoriya aren’t killers, and when Toga asks that, Ochaco says in no unclear terms that her intention is to capture, not kill. The two are one and the same for Toga, however, so a fight was inevitable. If anything, Toga’s behavior to orchestrate this confrontation is what ultimately proves that she’s too far gone–she attacked an innocent old woman at random just to lure Ochaco away, and then immediately threatens Ochaco with a weapon once she returns to her true form. The knife and pinning Ochaco to the ground prove that Toga was already expecting a negative answer and was prepared to retaliate, and even though Ochaco said what she literally asked (no killing), Toga reacted as if it was the opposite. She’s fundamentally incapable of understanding what’s wrong with her own actions, and tragically for her, that means that she’ll never be able to interact with Midoriya and Ochaco in the way that she wants.

The bulk of Ochaco and Toga’s fight still lies ahead in My Hero Academia, so there’s always a chance that things could change, but for Toga it’s just another betrayal, while for Ochaco it’s simply the crazy stalker at it again. There’s just no getting past that, so Toga’s tragic dream is likely to remain forever unfulfilled.

New episodes of My Hero Academia are currently streaming Saturdays on Crunchyroll.