Meghan Markle’s Ex Bestie Jessica Mulroney’s White Privilege Explained

Meghan Markle’s Ex Bestie Jessica Mulroney’s White Privilege Explained

While many are aware that their friendship is in jeopardy, few people truly understand Meghan Markle’s ex-bestie Jessica Mulroney’s white privilege scandal. Here’s an explanation of what brought that friendship toppling to the ground and how Mulroney’s mea culpa may have been too little, too late.

At the core of the fallout is a nasty row that Mulroney had with Canadian lifestyle blogger Sasha Exeter, a Black woman. Exeter posted an open call to action for influencers and followers alike to use their various platforms to put a stop to systemic racism. Her passionate plea for support was met with a vitriolic response from Mulroney. Mulroney launched into a tirade by chastising Exeter for the post. Next, she reached out to several brands to sully Exeter’s name and tarnish her relationship with those companies. Exeter ultimately used Instagram to bring the situation into the light, labeling her nightmare with Mulroney, “MY ‘AMY COOPER’ EXPERIENCE.” Mulroney, sensing public opinion did not favor her side of the argument, posted a tepid apology to Exeter’s Instagram, in which she made a veiled mention of her friendship with Markle. She then turned around and shocked Exeter by posting a threat of legal action to her DMs. Exeter shared that direct message with her followers, forcing Mulroney to issue another more contrite apology on social media. From there, the fallout was swift. Mulroney was ousted as a contributor on Good Morning America. Her reality show, I Do Redo was also canceled. Another casualty of Mulroney’s treatment of Exeter was her husband Ben Mulroney stepping down as a presenter on CTV. The biggest loss, however, is Mulroney’s friendship with Markle.

One of Markle’s close friends told the Daily Mail in an exclusive, “Meghan is absolutely mortified that she’s been dragged into this complete mess. She said Jessica is in no way a racist, but the way she handled the situation (with the fashion influencer) was tone-deaf and heartbreaking.” However, this opinion was offered in the beginning stages of the scandal. Since then, many have speculated that the friendship has deteriorated.

Meghan Markle’s Ex Bestie Jessica Mulroney’s White Privilege Explained

In Mulroney’s mea culpa, she wrote, “The events that have transpired over the last few days have made it clear that I have work to do. I realize more than ever how being a white, privileged woman has put me far ahead of so many, and in particular those in the Black community.” She continued by writing, “And while I can’t change the past, I can do my part to do better in the future.” Mulroney then explained that she would be stepping away from public life to reflect on her actions.

Meghan Markle did a wise thing backing away from Jessica Mulroney during these tough sociopolitical times. It’s not a good look for a high-profile person like Markle, who has waged her very own personal battle with racism, to be in close proximity to someone who doesn’t respect people of color. While Markle may look similar to Mulroney, and may have white relatives and a white husband, she’s also expressed pride in her African-American heritage. Exeter did a courageous thing by putting Mulroney on blast the way she did. So many people in creative and editorial fields get away with microaggressions and sabotaging behaviors toward people of color with nary a punishment in sight. To some, Jessica Mulroney may not be a racist, but what do you call someone who is so disturbed by a simple plea for equality that they would seek to threaten and silence the very person asking? Hopefully, seeing all that Mulroney has lost will keep others from continuing this cycle of abuse. Furthermore, maybe the Duchess of Sussex can lean on more socially responsible friends like Serena Williams and Priyanka Chopra.