Meet The Subjects Of An Army Of Women In South By Southwest Documentary Clip

Trigger Warning: Clip contains frank discussions surrounding sexual assault.

An Army of Women is a new documentary premiering at South by Southwest 2024, and Screen Rant has a powerful first look at the film. The documentary follows a group of women in Austin, Texas who join forces to bring a lawsuit against the system that allowed their rapists to walk free. It was directed by the award-winning Julie Lunde Lillesæter, whose documentary work has been showcased by The Atlantic and Al Jazeera English.

Screen Rant presents a clip from An Army of Women that highlights the subjects and subject matter of Lillesæter’s documentary. The film follows three women whose rape cases were dropped by the Austin police, and the clip showcases some of their lingering and complicated feelings on the matter. It also highlights the steps that weren’t taken by the Austin Police Department in bringing a woman’s attacker to justice. Take a look at the clip, and for viewers at South by Southwest, see the world premiere of An Army of Women Friday, March 8 at 2:00 pm at Zach Theatre.

More About An Army of Women

Like many of the best documentaries, An Army of Women leans into the stories of individuals to explore a captivating and important narrative. The stories are those of Hanna Senko, Marina Garrett, and a woman who has long operated under the pseudonym “Amy Smith” to protect her privacy. An Army of Women documents how these victims of rape and societal injustice have worked to rebuild their lives after being left to their own devices by the very systems designed to help them move forward.

The three women at the heart of An Army of Women are part of a 15-person class-action lawsuit that argues the idea that sexual assault isn’t prosecuted because the crime primarily affects women. Films like I Got A Monster may expose police corruption, but An Army of Women shines a light on a crucial mission to rectify an all-too-common injustice. In their quest for justice, “Smith”, Garrett, and Senko find help in trial lawyers Jennifer Ecklund and Elizabeth Myers. The film documents their work and aims to strike a hopeful tone as their fight continues.