MCU Phase 4 Has Already Revealed Daredevil’s Perfect Reboot Plan

MCU Phase 4 Has Already Revealed Daredevil’s Perfect Reboot Plan

The MCU Phase 4 has inadvertently shown the perfect reboot plan for its Daredevil series, albeit through an unlikely source. With the news still fresh that a Disney+ Daredevil show is officially in the works, fears regarding the character’s MCU future have at last been eased. Although a release date for the new Daredevil series is yet to be named, production will inevitably start relatively soon due to the sheer popularity of the character and its Netflix predecessor.

Spider-Man: No Way Home allowed a first glimpse at Matt Murdock/Daredevil within the MCU, but it remains to be seen whether Disney’s Daredevil show will be a continuation of the world Matt Murdock inhabited in Netflix’s production or a complete reboot. Whether Daredevil‘s MCU Phase 4 inclusion identifies as the former or latter is unknown; however, Disney will be keen to put their own stamp on the character and have already exhibited the perfect plan for how they intend to do so.

Marvel’s Moon Knight is Disney’s most ambitious yet unique series to date. Although rooted in the supernatural instead of Daredevil’s more gritty realism, the two series’ share uncanny similarities. The internal conflict at the core of Daredevil and Moon Knight is a familiar trope within the superhero genre, and although differing in their powers and personas’, both men share an obligatory vulnerability that eventually lends itself to character growth. Moon Knight‘s Marc & Steven share a complex relationship. The two personas are polar opposites, and their internal conflict is a driving force throughout the show. In this way, Matt Murdock/Daredevil is a highly complex character himself, and it is Matt’s internal struggle that provides the perfect platform for the Daredevil reboot to build from.

MCU Phase 4 Has Already Revealed Daredevil’s Perfect Reboot Plan

Matt Murdock’s inability to balance his catholic faith with moral justice makes him rageful, and, for Matt, the lines are often blurred between right and wrong. As such, Matt Murdock is a character burdened by his inner struggle, and this often leads to an inability to pull his punches. With these factors in mind, Disney should look no further than the MCU’s Moon Knight project to replicate Daredevil’s internal conflict. Moon Knight’s depiction of mental illness has received many plaudits for its nuanced portrayal of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Marc’s creation of Steven as a coping mechanism for his brother’s death echoes similar childhood trauma suffered by Matt Murdock.

For these reasons, Moon Knight’s portrayal of internal conflict would be the perfect plan for Disney apply to its upcoming Charlie Cox Daredevil show. Set during a time of Multiverse-centric adventures and crossover chaos within the MCU, Moon Knight offered a refreshing break from endless expected cameos and intertwined character narratives. This decision from the Moon Knight showrunners allowed the story to remain self-contained, uninterrupted, and impactful as a result. Netflix’s Daredevil series took a similar approach beforehand, and there is no reason why Disney couldn’t follow suit here. This is not to say Disney cannot look to expand Daredevil’s image within the MCU, but creating a self-contained narrative would be more than appropriate for a first season to get the ball rolling for the beloved character’s MCU return.