MCU: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Iron Man (According To Reddit)

MCU: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Iron Man (According To Reddit)

It’s impossible to imagine the Marvel Cinematic Universe without Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). He stormed into the MCU with the biggest personality of all the heroes, and he has left such a huge legacy behind him. The character was made so unique in part thanks to Downey, as he brought his dry wit to the role and oozed coolness from the very opening scene of 2008’s Iron Man.

11 years later, his character arc was rounded out in the most satisfying way possible, but not every fan sees it that way. Between not being responsible for his actions, where he stood on the Sokovia Accords, and his suit being too shiny, there are so many hot takes about the billionaire philanthropist.

He Is The Worst Character In The MCU

MCU: 9 Unpopular Opinions About Iron Man (According To Reddit)

This user doesn’t just think that Iron Man is the worst character in the whole of the MCU, but they specifically refer to the character’s arc in Endgame, saying that Tony was the worst thing about the final part of the Infinite Saga.

The quarrels lay with the fact that they couldn’t relate to the character at all, but most fans will agree that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Stark had the strongest and most emotional arc in the movie, as he died saving the entire world, and he left behind a daughter who was way too young to see her father die.

He Should Have Received More Blame For Ultron’s Actions

Ultron close-up in his vibranium body in the MCU

It’s no secret that Tony initially only ever cared about himself, but he did try to become a lot more selfless as time went on. However, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, his selflessness did end up having lasting consequences for several characters in the future. Though it’s the catalyst for the Sokovia Accords in Captain America: Civil War, in which a committee agrees on whether or not the Avengers should be called upon, Tony didn’t receive much backlash for the creation of Ultron.

Stark, with the help of Eric Banner, created Ultron, a genocidal robot who was responsible for the death of surely thousands, and one Redditor thinks the billionaire philanthropist should have been held accountable for it. And they even go on to state that he’s a hypocrite for falling out with Steve Rogers because he wanted to protect Bucky.

Iron Man 2 Is The Best Iron Man Movie

Nick Fury and Tony talk in a diner in Iron Man 2

When it comes to the Iron Man trilogy, not every film is considered a top-tier MCU movie. In fact, both Iron Man 3 and Iron Man 2 are both looked at as massively inferior to the first movie. Iron Man 2 is criticized the most for being too loud and confusing, and for the way Whiplash, one of the most famous comic book villains, was depicted.

However, a few Redditors come to its defense, and not only do they say it’s a great Iron Man movie, but the best one. They cite that the proper introduction of Black Widow and Nick Fury, and the way it builds the world of the MCU, is what makes it unique.

Just Because Iron Man 3 Doesn’t Expand The Universe Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Good

Tony sits on a couch with the Iron Man suit in Iron Man 3

After the whole of Phase 1 was leading up to The Avengers and was continuously building on the new cinematic universe, one of the criticisms that Iron Man 3 received was that it failed to do just that. However, one Redditor argues that despite its negative reception, the movie was a great character study of Tony Stark.

Just like what Spider-Man: Far From Home is to Avengers: Endgame, the third Iron Man movie is all about the aftermath, as Stark tries to cope with and overcome what happened to him in The Avengers.

His Suit Hasn’t Looked Good Since The Avengers

Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America square off with one another in The Avengers

If there is anything fans learned from Tony Stark, it’s that it’s okay to be a little flashy sometimes, as he’s always been one to show off. But one Redditor thinks that Stark’s designs have done a disservice to the suit, as they look more outrageous with each consecutive movie.

They claim that by the time Infinity War and Endgame came out, the suits looked like a video game, but that might have something to do with the fact that the suits in Endgamewere entirely CGI. But regardless, most fans agree that the suit has always looked cool.

The Mandarin Twist Was Perfect

The Mandarin sits alone in Iron Man 3

Just like Whiplash, the Mandarin is one of the most beloved villains in the comic books, and the character is depicted in a rather polarizing way in Iron Man 3. In the comics, the character was born in China and grows up to become a megalomaniac who conquers the world. But midway through the third movie, the Mandarin is revealed to be an imposter and is actually being played by a London theatre actor named Trevor.

It was a massive letdown to fans of the character, but there are some who thought the twist was perfect. To give the users credit, it was perfectly in line with the writing of writer-director Shane Black, who made Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys, but it rubbed too many people the wrong way. It’s something that will be reportedly retconned in the upcoming MCU movie, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, as the real Mandarin will be the main antagonist.

Tony Should Have Lived

Tony Stark with the infinity gauntlet in Avengers: Endgame

When Tony Stark used the Infinity Gauntlet to snap away Thanos at the end of Endgame, everybody knew what was going to happen to him. It was the most emotional scene in the 20+ movie series, but some believe that isn’t the way it should have ended.

They argue that Stark should have hung around in the movies after, supplying new tech to a new cohort of superheroes. However, if it didn’t end the way it did, it wouldn’t have had the emotional pull that it did, and the ending was as close to perfect as it could have possibly been.

People Shouldn’t Agree With Tony In Civil War

Iron Man's beam crashes against Cap's shield

When the Avengers broke up in Captain America: Civil War, it caused a seismic shift in not only the relationship between the characters but between the fans as well.

Audiences were either team Iron Man or team Cap, and most fans agreed with Iron Man at the time, but that could very well have been because they preferred the character and not because they agreed with his agenda. And this Redditor claims that he hopes that was the only reason why anybody would have sided with Stark, because his side of the argument made almost no sense.

Infinity War And Endgame Is A Two-Part Iron Man Movie

Avengers Infinity War Thanos Iron Man Titan

Considering how this hot take actually has downvotes and not one person agrees, there’s no denying that it truly is an unpopular opinion. After criticizing the direction that the Russo brothers took with the series, this user claims that the final two Avengers movies are one giant two-part Iron Man movie.

But while Iron Man does admittedly feature prominently in both movies, he was always the lead in the Avengers films, and he even featured heavily in Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Nothing has changed in that regard. And as the two movies combined come to a huge 5.5 hours, every other character still gets their moments to shine too.