MCU: 10 Things That Are The Same In Every Movie

MCU: 10 Things That Are The Same In Every Movie

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is credited with having its own identity, with a series formula that has been tried and tested for success. The movies, which initially focused on Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America, have now grown to showcase a variety of characters from different backgrounds.

What’s interesting is that several tropes and factors have remained largely common from one movie to the next, making it so that every movie can be considered to essentially be the same. In essence, an installment like Thor has the same outline as a movie like Ant-Man, and it’s worth taking a deeper look into the ingredients that go into creating an MCU movie.

A Scene Where Characters Trade Insults

MCU: 10 Things That Are The Same In Every Movie

A shared trait in the MCU comes from the characters’ fast-talking nature and it’s common to see them trading shots at one another. This trend began from the first Iron Man, where Pepper and Tony would throw sarcastic comments around to hide their romantic feelings.

The series has since made heavy use of this to the point where the Guardians of the Galaxy movies are popular for using it as the characters’ mode of communication, with most of the comedy presented this way. Avengers: Infinity War even had a scene where Iron Man and Star-Lord traded insults to see who could have the last word.

The Protagonist’s Triumphant Entry

Thor arrives in Wakands with Rocket and Groot in Avengers: Infinity War

There will always be a moment when it seems as if the superheroes are down for the count until the main protagonist makes a grand entry to turn the tide. This has been highlighted the most with regards to the Avengers, with Avengers: Infinity War famously showing Thor arrive in Wakanda to save the others.

It’s also something the MCU focuses upon in the superheroes’ debut movies, as the grand entry is a way to confirm that the characters have embraced their powers. Within these moments, the protagonists are also shown making an epic pose where the camera pans on them and the reactions of the enemies.

A Scene Dedicated To Providing Exposition On The Villain’s Character

Thanos using the Reality Stone to create an illusion in Infinity War

It doesn’t matter if it’s a hated or well-liked villain; it’s a guarantee that an MCU movie will dedicate a full scene to deliver exposition on their motives. All in all, there are scenes with dastardly antagonists like Obadiah Stane and Ego who simply deliver their villainous monologues for every sympathetic villain like Thanos or Loki lamenting on their tragic backgrounds.

These are presented as such due to the MCU movies generally featuring a fast-paced story, making it necessary for a sequence where the villain explains why they intend to challenge the heroes and the logic behind their intentions.

Comedic Moments That Interrupt Serious Situations

Loki trying to use his sceptre on Tony Stark in The Avengers

Either midway through the movie or near the climax, a scene will build in intensity that makes it seem as if a huge moment of impact will approach, only for an unexpected joke to pop up that defuses this tension.

For instance, in The Avengers, it was shown when Loki wanted to control Iron Man but realized his scepter had “performance issues.” In the same vein, Avengers: Infinity War had Black Widow and Okoye make light of the fact that they almost died by Thanos’ forces to comment on why Scarlet Witch didn’t take part in the battle from the beginning, among many other examples.

Heroes Face A Moral Dilemma That Leads To Character Development

Gamora hugs Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

No matter how well-received an MCU movie is compared to others, the main characters are shown having to make difficult decisions. The reason for this is to develop their characterizations further, thus highlighting either their flaws or their changing nature.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, a gang of outlaw misfits, made the decision to forego personal gain in favor of risking their lives to save the universe. In Captain America: Civil War, the titular hero chose not to tell Tony about the death of his parents, putting him morally in the wrong but showing that Steve is also a person capable of making mistakes.

An End Credits Sequence

Robert Downey Jr.'s signature in the credits of Avengers Endgame

This is a trademark of the MCU and the series is credited with making the end credits sequence commonplace in contemporary cinema. These scenes always show up after the initial credits, with some movies featuring several sequences.

Their intention has changed over the years, with the first batch of MCU movies delivering vital pieces of information for the future in the end credits while more recent ones have varied between this and straight-up jokes. Avengers: Endgame made the end credits a grand tribute to all the heroes and villains featured in the Infinity Saga.

Sequel Hooks

Spider-Man holds his head in fright

As is customary for any mainstream franchise, the MCU also features aspects in each movie that are firmly there to tease a sequel. The intention behind them is to give fans a hook to hold on to after the particular movie’s story is over in order to be hyped for things to come.

These are both small and large in terms of impact, such as the minor sequel hook in Iron Man of Rhodey wanting to become a superhero and the huge one in Spider-Man: Far From Home where Peter Parker found out that his identity had been exposed.

A Twist Near The Climax

Killmonger enters the thrones room in Black Panther

MCU movies are largely straightforward with plotlines understood from the beginning, but there’s that one twist near the climax that’s always waiting. These are such that the final battle changes in context and the heroes are given a new incentive to fight.

The twists can vary from being action-oriented or driven by morality, with Spider-Man: Homecoming revealing that Peter’s love interest was the daughter of the villain he needed to fight and Black Panther bringing the bombshell that Erik Killmonger destroyed all the heart-shaped herbs that were the source of the Black Panther power, etc.

Characters Forming Double Acts

Doctor Strange and Wong meet Hulk in Avengers Infinity War

It’s common to see MCU fans argue over which friendship is the best and that is strictly by the franchise’s design. Every movie features the heroes forming bonds with supporting characters, with even love interests presented in a way that the characters become double acts.

Popular ones include Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, Rhodey and Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and Wong, with others like Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, and Black Widow and Hawkeye also present. These double acts bring a mixture of comedy and action, with their dynamic pushing the other to step outside their comfort zone.

Callbacks & Easter Eggs

Hawkeye and Black Widow fight over the Soul Stone on Vormir in Avengers Endgame

Being a comic book film series, the MCU frequently indulges in references to the source material. This was most common in Phase One, in which movies like Iron Man would place Easter eggs like Captain America’s shield or subtle mentions of Thor and the Hulk. 

Over time, as the MCU has grown larger, every movie features callbacks in addition to comic book references. These will be about events that happened in previous movies that are present both to acknowledge the overall story and reconfirm that the MCU is a larger universe.