MBTI® Of Yellowjackets Main Characters

MBTI® Of Yellowjackets Main Characters

Whether trying to survive the harsh Canadian wilderness in 1996 or deal with its ramifications in 2021, every Yellowjackets character takes a unique approach to their circumstances, and this is largely based on their MBTI® personality. The Showtime drama series centers on four plane crash survivors, Shauna Shipman, Taissa Turner, Misty Quigley, and Natalie Scatorccio, who all have wildly different ways of coping with their trauma. A major Yellowjackets plot point is that the girls resorted to cannibalism while stranded, and the women are initially drawn back together by a blackmailer in the present day.

Yellowjackets may be a show with dark and disturbing themes, but it’s never exploitative. It’s a fascinating character study, mainly of the four leads, but also of the other survivors, their loved ones in the present day, and those who didn’t make it through the 19-month stranding. This means that for as good as Yellowjackets‘ writing is, its success is wholly dependent on the actors’ ability to sell these nuances. Luckily, Yellowjackets has a phenomenal cast, with actors Melanie Lynskey (adult Shauna) and Christina Ricci (adult Misty) earning Emmy nominations for their work. Every Yellowjackets actor successfully shows the complexities of their characters’ MBTI® personalities.

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Shauna Sadecki (née Shipman) – INTP

MBTI® Of Yellowjackets Main Characters

Both as a teenager and an adult, Shauna has few friendships, but as an introvert, she’s comfortable with that. Her issues with Jackie weren’t from her best friend’s popularity, but Jackie trying to control the friendship to suit her own best interests. An INTP to her core, Shauna can be insensitive and impatient with the people around her, which causes her to do hurtful things — ie. her affairs with Jeff and Adam, being too blunt with Callie about her tryst with (and murder of) the latter. But Shauna’s outside-the-box INTP thinking often saves the day, at least temporarily, like when she framed Adam as the blackmailer to the other Yellowjackets.

Taissa “Tai” Turner – ENTJ

Tawny Cypress and Jasmin Savoy Brown as Taissa

Taissa is a natural ENTJ leader, both as a teenager and an adult. In the wilderness, Taissa showed leadership and great forethought when she led the group in search of water. After the rescue, she goes on to pursue her dreams, and is elected into the State Senate. But while Taissa’s level head has gotten her far and saved lives, it’s come at the cost of her not seeking the help she needs. When Taissa does terrible things while sleepwalking, she tries to deal with it herself rather than admit the severity of the problem. But when she’s in fighting form, Taissa is the most powerful Yellowjackets character.

Misty Quigley – ENFJ

Split image of young Misty Quigley (Samantha Hanratty) and adult Misty (Christina Ricci) from Yellowjackets

While Misty may live a solitary life, she is an extrovert constantly seeking friendship and approval. ENFJs are defined by their passion, and Misty throws herself wholeheartedly into whatever she does, from helping her teammates survive in the wilderness to being a “citizen detective”. But while Misty proves herself a valuable ally, she shares ENFJ’s negative traits. Her passion can lead her to be overly intense, which she proves in her imagined romance with Coach Ben and more devastatingly, when Misty smashes the black box and leaves the Yellowjackets stranded. Misty considers herself a hero, and she’ll always save those she loves — even if it means putting them in danger.

Natalie “Nat” Scatorccio – ISFP

Sophie Thatcher and Juliette Lewis as Natalie in Yellowjackets

Though her wilderness relationship with Travis is one of the most intimate in Yellowjackets, Natalie prefers to keep to herself. This is typical of ISFPs, who don’t like to let many people in, but have a fierce bond with those they do. ISFPs are also called “Adventurers”, and Nat is someone who always has to be on the go, but her impulsiveness can get her into trouble. However, Natalie will always be an independent thinker, and that combined with a sensitivity beneath her tough exterior can really help people, as seen when she shows Lisa that she and the others in Lottie’s commune aren’t as “free” as they think.

Charlotte “Lottie” Matthews – INFJ

Courtney Eaton and Simone Kessell as Lottie in Yellowjackets

Lottie may be the leader of a cult — or “intentional community” — but as an introvert, she doesn’t seek others out. Rather, people are drawn to her because of her INFJ insightfulness. This MBTI® type is also altruistic, and that’s how Lottie presents herself. Everything she does in the wilderness or her commune is purported to be for the greater good, and this is what inspires her followers to do the same and devote themselves to her. But INFJs are also notoriously closed off, and apart from a psychiatrist, Lottie isn’t explaining her disturbing visions to anyone. Lottie remains a Yellowjackets mystery, and that’s how she prefers it.

Vanessa “Van” Palmer – ESTP

Liv Hewson and Lauren Ambrose as Vanessa in Yellowjackets

ESTPs are bold characters, and Van is thoroughly unafraid of being herself. She has lots of friends, but unlike Jackie, doesn’t worry about her popularity. Van is more than happy to be public when she and Taissa start their relationship, only keeping it secret at Taissa’s insistence. But while Van embraces an ESTP’s confidence and independence, she also possesses their short-term thinking and lack of structure. In the present, she runs a failing video store, and throws overdue bills in the garbage rather than confronting the problem. Van also might not be thinking long-term in inviting the potentially dangerous Taissa in, but she proves her ESFP bravery.

Jeff Sadecki – ESFJ

A composite image of Shauna and Jeff in Yellowjackets

Jeff is the exact opposite of his wife’s MBTI® type, but that’s strangely why they work so well together. He is personable, charming, and easygoing, which is exactly what drew Shauna to him when they were teenagers. ESFJs are loyal, almost to a fault, and when Shauna tells Jeff about her affair with Adam, it’s never a question of if he’ll stay with her. But ESFJs aren’t always great at seeing the big picture, and Jeff makes some terrible mistakes, like attempting to blackmail the Yellowjackets to save his dying furniture store. Jeff is at his best when he lets Shauna take the lead, and that suits him fine.

Jackie Taylor – ESFJ

Jackie a Doomscoming in Yellowjackets

Like her high school sweetheart Jeff, Jackie is an ESFJ. Jackie loves being the captain of the Yellowjackets and all the social status that provides, but when things go wrong, she has a hard time coping. ESFJs aren’t great at stepping outside their comfort zones, and this is magnified with the plane crash. Jackie becomes petulant when her teammates don’t side with her, and her reduced role in the group sees her collapsing inside herself. This culminates in a rift between her and the other girls, and rather than listen to Shauna’s criticism, ESFJ Jackie proudly storms out. This leads to Jackie’s dark death in the Canadian wilderness.

Travis Martinez – ISTP

Travis from Yellowjackets

Travis may have had a grim fate in Yellowjackets, but in the wilderness, he was invaluable. He shied away from the personal dramas of the group, kept his head down, and hunted with Natalie. An introvert by nature and grieving his father, Travis was reluctant to let anyone in, but when he and Natalie bonded, they became kindred spirits. But Travis also personified negative ISTP traits. Being so closed off, he lacked sensitivity and was brutal to Javi after their dad’s death. ISTPs can also engage in risky behavior, and if Lottie is to be believed, it’s that very behavior that got Travis killed.

Coach Ben Scott – ISTJ


The only adult to survive the plane crash, Coach Ben’s positive ISTJ traits make him a valuable asset to the survivors. Considering he had his leg chopped off by Misty, Coach Ben is able to keep a remarkable level head as he assumes leadership of the group. Sadly, ISTJ’s negative traits show up in Coach Ben with heartbreaking resonance. While he is the reason his relationship with Paul fell apart, Coach Ben was terrified of being judged for being gay in an intolerant society. Starving to death, Coach Ben blames himself for everything that goes wrong, making his one of the saddest Yellowjackets storylines.


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