MBTI® Of Meg Ryan Characters

MBTI® Of Meg Ryan Characters

Meg Ryan was the golden girl of the ’90s, starring in many romantic comedies and making a name for herself. From Nora Ephron classics Sleepless In Seattle to You’ve Got Mail to the 1995 film French Kiss, these movies have a special place in everyone’s memories.

In recent years, the actress hasn’t been in tons of hit films, but she is still steadily working and bringing her cheerful energy to movies ranging from dramas to comedies. Here is the MBTI® of the most well-known parts that Meg Ryan has played.

Mary In The Women: ISTP

MBTI® Of Meg Ryan Characters

In this 2008 movie, a group of friends bands together when one of them realizes that their husband is cheating on them. Meg Ryan’s character is Mary, who designs clothes and then goes off on her own to run her own business.

Mary’s MBTI® would be ISTP or “the logical pragmatist.” She’s going to sit back and watch everyone else until it affects her and she realizes that she needs to help out, which is what happens in this movie. When something goes wrong, they can stay totally chill while everyone else freaks out.

Louise In Serious Moonlight: ENTJ

Lawyer Louise reacts in a pretty unique way when her husband (Timothy Hutton) says that he wants to split up and he has fallen for someone else: she duct tapes him to a chair. And pleads with him to stay, coming up with all kinds of reasons why. There’s also a twist at the end that suggests that she’s super tough and when she puts her mind to something, it’s going to happen.

Louise’s MBTI® would be ENTJ or “the decisive strategist.” These types make choices depending on the future that they desire and they’re good leaders, too. They also don’t need to mull things over as they will simply take action.

Sarah From In The Land Of Women: INFJ

In this 2007 film, Meg Ryan plays Sarah, a wife and mother who has cancer. She’s a sensitive type, just like an INFJ or “the insightful visionary.”

Sarah bonds with Carter (Adam Brody) and when he moves into the neighborhood, he changes the lives of her family. Sarah has many INFJ traits, like wanting to be there for other people and wanting everyone to get along and be happy.

Eve In Hanging Up: ISFJ

Eve and Georgia in Hanging Up

In this 2000 comedy, Meg Ryan’s character Eve Mozell Marks organizes events as her job, and she takes care of her sisters, too. Eve sounds like an ISFJ or “the practical helper.”

These personality types are the happiest when they can be there to assist the people who they love. They’re “realistic and dependable” and they approach everything that happens to them in a very logical way.

 Deidre In The Deal: INTJ

The Deal isn’t a beloved movie but Meg Ryan played Deidre, who works in project development and gets involved with William H. Macy’s character Charlie Berns.

Deidre is definitely an INTJ or “the conceptual planner.” She’s in the line of work that she is because she can create a game plan and take charge. These personality types “tend to have high standards for themselves and others,” according to the official MBTI® website. INTJs also get stressed out when something isn’t perfect as they want everything to be neat and tidy.

Kate In French Kiss: ESTP

Meg Ryan’s character Kate goes to Paris (despite being afraid of planes) to convince her fiance to stay with her instead of leaving her for someone else (which sounds similar to her role in Serious Moonlight).

Kate sounds like an ESTP or “the energetic problem-solver.” When ESTPs see an issue, they fix it by being logical and considering what they know to be true about themselves and the world in general. These types can also be “spontaneous” which sounds like Kate since she literally hops on an airplane and makes a rash decision to get her husband back.

Kate In Kate & Leopold: ENTP

Meg Ryan Hugh Jackman Kate and Leopold

Meg Ryan’s character in this 2001 rom-com works in the field of market research, which suggests that her MBTI® is an ENTP or “the enterprising explorer.”

Called “clever and resourceful,” ENTPs get excited about experiencing changes in their lives. Since Kate ends up in the past near the end of the movie, she’s not totally against this wild experience, and she seems to tackle everything with the same determination and can-do attitude.

Kathleen In You’ve Got Mail: INFP

Kathleen using her computer and smiling in You've Got Mail

In You’ve Got Mail, Kathleen wants to live a nice life and run her bookstore but everything gets messed up when Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) opens a competing massive bookstore chain nearby.

Kathleen’s MBTI® would be INFP or “the thoughtful idealist.” She’s the type of person who believes that everyone is good and she would never assume that someone is out to get her (even when they are). She treats her friends like family, gets really mad when someone is rude to them, and never stop believing in what matters to them.

Annie In Sleepless In Seattle: ENFP

Annie looking surprissed in Sleepless in Seattle

In this classic 1993 romantic comedy, Annie pens a note for Sam (Tom Hanks) to indulge her romantic dreams and meet her at the Empire State Building.

She’s bold, acts fast, and romantic. Her MBTI® would be ENFP or “the enterprising explorer.” These types are “willing to consider every possibility” which is what Annie does when she imagines herself with Sam.

Sally In When Harry Met Sally: ISTJ

When Harry Met Sally

Sally is a tough woman who knows what she wants, especially when she’s placing a restaurant order. In the movie’s most famous scene, she asks for literally everything on the side and is basically every diner and restaurant employee’s worst nightmare.

Sally’s MBTI® would be ISTJ or “the responsible realist.” She’s stubborn, doesn’t want to change her mind, and she’s most comfortable with her routines and doing exactly what she wants to do. She’s not overly friendly or up for a party. Harry (Billy Crystal) totally changes her life and convinces her to loosen up a bit.