MBTI®: 5 Netflix Original Movies That ISTPs Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

MBTI®: 5 Netflix Original Movies That ISTPs Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is a method by which psychological types are categorized based on the theories of C. G. Jung. The ISTP personality type is described as a craftsperson, someone who is good with their hands and likes to process things internally. Netflix original movies have a lot of variety when it comes to subject and there are some that are a good match for this personality.

Someone who can be quiet yet confident and unpredictable fits into a specific movie genre that they will find entertaining and engaging. Here, there are 5 movies that this personality will hate and then 5 they will love which will help save a lot of time when you are looking for a movie on Netflix but do not want to be disappointed.

Hate: Dolemite Is My Name

MBTI®: 5 Netflix Original Movies That ISTPs Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

This Eddie Murphy picture is loud and in your face with a lot of jokes and innuendos that some personalities will love for sure. The ITSP will not enjoy this movie because they will see the film as obnoxious. Someone who is quiet will not root for the main protagonist and the two hours will feel like a waste.

There is a lot of posturing in this film and the money pursuit of the characters can get tiresome for someone who prefers to work with their hands. It has funny parts, but overall, the ITSP will find that the plot drags and that they will not want to stay with the movie in its entirety.

Love: War Machine

Anthony Michael Hall in War Machine

The ITSP will love the plot of War Machine because it is not the prototypical war movie. Instead, it explores controversies within the Iraq War in a unique way. Brad Pitt plays the general who sees firsthand that the harder he works in the Middle East, the worse his situation.

The general in the movie could be described as an ITSP personality because he runs five miles every morning and is disciplined in all things. The chemistry in the cast of the film also makes it watchable and the comedic aspects and satire play well against how serious the characters take themselves.

Hate: The Ridiculous 6

The Ridiculous 6

Adam Sandler has a lot of energy in this film and there are tons of cameos from famous actors, but the movie was a big miss from start to finish. Those with a pragmatic personality will really not enjoy this film because it does not even try to stay on point, at times.

The jokes are mostly one-note and there will be a lot of cringing for someone who does not enjoy over-the-top antics. This is a movie the ITSP should try to avoid, as they will not want to finish it and will be left feeling like they wasted their time.

Love: Triple Frontier

Special Operations soldiers, led by Ben Affleck, look to take down a drug lord and pocket some extra money after they feel underpaid by the government. This movie will be enjoyed by the ITSP because the soldiers are tacticians and skilled in their work and movements, which will be interesting for someone who enjoys craftsmanship.

In addition, the drama of the film is immersive and the ISTP will enjoy the plot. The action is top-notch and it doesn’t lack in its commitment, which will be entertaining for a personality that likes it when projects are well done and believable.

Hate: Roma

Roma is an impressive film and the Academy Awards recognized it for its engaging scenes and family heritage dynamics. The ITSP personality will not enjoy this film, though, because it will not let them have time to process the scenes internally.

It is dark at times and there will be sequences where you cannot look away, but this will not be enjoyable for someone who likes to be spontaneous. The film immerses the viewer in its time period and location, which is admirable, but for certain personalities, it will not be entertaining.

Love: The Meyerowitz Stories

Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler looking sideways in The Meyerowitz Stories

Family drama plays out well in this film, with standout performances from Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller that make the viewer really connect with the story. It is perfect for the ITSP personality because the writer and actors clearly have taken their time to process the drama and make it visceral.

It is rare to see such great comedic actors really nail dramatic roles, but Sandler and Stiller really build solid chemistry in this project. It is often overlooked, but this film is a great one for someone who likes to process things internally.

Hate: Spenser Confidential

Action movies can be great, but this original movie is lacking in some aspects and someone with a confident and quiet personality will find it tedious at times. The film location of Boston and Mark Wahlberg’s charisma help pace the movie, but it does not really gel and falls short of being enjoyable.

The action is still good, but there is not a lot of chemistry between the main characters and the comedic parts do not work that well. It might be found boring by someone who has a personality that likes to be surprised and get right to the point.

Love: The Irishman

Robert De Niro brought this project together and his character in the film is quiet and skilled, but the outcome of his actions is brutal. The story is good for an intellectual personality because it explores a lot of history related to the mafia and politics. Al Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa is worth the watch, as well, because he embodies this spirit and gives a top-notch performance.

The action sequences are realistic and if you read the book it will help you understand why the film is three hours long. The story is immersive but not boring and a pragmatic personality will enjoy the human aspects that are shown in the film.

Hate: Sextuplets

Marlon Wayans usually knows how to deliver the laughs, but in this film, which features him playing all of the main parts, it really does not deliver. The film depends on sight gags of him in a fat suit or dressed as a girl, and for some personalities, this will get old rather quick.

Comedies are still enjoyable for an ITSP personality, but this loud and over-the-top type will not be enjoyable. The film is formulaic and does not really stay with you and would not be recommended for a pragmatic person.

Love: Outlaw King

Chris Pine looking up in Outlaw King

Scottish history is the focus of this Robert the Bruce biopic played by Chris Pine with allusions to Braveheart and William Wallace. He is a reluctant king and quiet and brooding for most of the film until he is pushed into war and survival.

His strategy will be enjoyed by the ISTP personality because he is pragmatic and uses everything at his disposal to protect his family and land.