MBFFL: Why Whitney’s Friends Are Tired Of The Emotional Rollercoaster

MBFFL: Why Whitney’s Friends Are Tired Of The Emotional Rollercoaster

On My Big Fat Fabulous Life, when Whitney Way Thore learned that her crush wouldn’t be coming to see her in Maine, her emotions took control, and her friends were left to pick up the pieces. Even though Whitney has a solid group that rallies around her, some of her buddies have reservations when it comes to her foreign paramour. Fans feel that Whitney needs to turn her frown upside down and stop being a party pooper.

The Greensboro native has been unlucky in love thus far. While on the show, she has been featured in three failed relationships. The most recent was with Chase Severino, who ended up cheating on her during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chase from MBFFL has now moved on, leaving the TLC star behind. Whitney is currently committed to meeting her French tutor, and she hopes that sparks will fly. Even though Whitney is across an ocean, and a global pandemic stands in her way, she is more than willing to risk it all again in the name of love.

The Parisian first broke the news that he wouldn’t be attending Whitney’s family trip to Maine before she hopped on her flight. After days of silence, he then told her he was trying to surprise her, but the United States wouldn’t let him in. Whitney was extremely disappointed, since she’s plunged from a high to a low, and her best friends had to cater to her ever-changing moods. Whitney’s sobbing has ruined just about every excursion that she has planned, leaving fans to feel sorry for her friends. Hunter Thore openly said that he thought his sister was moving too fast.

MBFFL: Why Whitney’s Friends Are Tired Of The Emotional Rollercoaster

Whitney probably never intended to make everyone else uncomfortable, but she couldn’t avoid dragging her friends onto the crazy carousel ride. Through tears, she told TLC cameras that she felt like her chance at happiness kept getting taken away from her. Even though her friends tried to soothe her aching heart, fans could see that her attitude affected their happiness. Heather Sykes attempted to keep her thoughts positive, noting how romantic it was that he was trying to make his way to her.

The main reason her French beau couldn’t join the festivities was a lot of government red tape. The decision was out of the “mocked” Whitney’s control (as well as the Frenchman’s), so why couldn’t Whitney accept that? During a pow-wow at the hotel, Todd Beasley made it clear that he would not be holding back his thoughts when it came to the mystery man. Even Ashley Baynes felt that the group should try to enjoy their vacation.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life viewers understood that Whitney’s disappointment over the French man not appearing really brought Whitney down, but everyone hoped that she would rally. As fans know, Whitney did choose to fly over to France during the summer, and she and her love interest are officially dating. TLC viewers would like nothing better than to see the two together on the show before the season ends, as this would help Whitney to recover from her sadness and make her friends happy.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on TLC.