Marvel’s Superman Proves X-Men Are No Match For The Man of Steel

Marvel’s Superman Proves X-Men Are No Match For The Man of Steel

Warning: Contains spoilers for Marauders#3

Marvel Comics’ version of Superman, the Praetor of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard called Gladiator, is one of the most powerful characters in the Universe, so much so that even a full team of X-Men, aided by the incredibly dangerous Cassandra Nova, is no match for him. Because Gladiator’s powers mirror those of Superman to an extent, this confirms that the X-Men are no match for the Man of Steel.

Gladiator (whose real name is Kallark) hails from Strontia, a planet in the Shi’ar Empire, where young men and women train from a young age to obtain the coveted title of Gladiator. Strontian physiology, together with a process of technological enhancement, gives Gladiator powers almost unmatched in the Marvel Universe, including super-strength, stamina, speed, flight, healing factor, and the ability to project heat rays or freezing breath. If these powers look familiar, it’s because Gladiator’s creator, Chris Claremont, took inspiration from Superman, or rather from one of Superman’s supporting characters, Mon-El, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes who has the same powers as the Man of Steel. Claremont used the Legion as inspiration when he created the Shi’ar Imperial Guard, but Kallark’s name is actually a reference to Kal-El and Clark Kent, Superman’s two names.

In the Marvel Universe, Gladiator is a secondary character who appears usually in cosmic sagas or in X-Men stories, sometimes as a powerful ally, others as a fearsome enemy. In Marauders #3, by Steve Orlando, Eleonora Carlini, and Matt Milla, Gladiator sadly falls in the second category. As the Praetor, he has to obey the Kin Crimson, the secret rulers of the Shi’ar Empire, when they order him to capture Kate Pryde’s team, who is trying to find out about the secret relationship between the Shi’ar and the “first mutants.” In the confrontation that follows, Gladiator easily holds off a team consisting of Kate, Daken, Bishop, Psylocke, Aurora, Tempo, and Somnus. Even the arrival of Cassandra Nova, an Omega-level telepath and telekinetic who once ravaged the entire Shi’ar Empire, is not enough to stop Gladiator.

Marvel’s Superman Proves X-Men Are No Match For The Man of Steel

While Gladiator’s showing this time was impressive, this is not always the case. Strontian’s powers, in fact, are connected to their levels of confidence. If Kallark doubts himself, his powers are severely diminished, to the point that he can be beaten by a much weaker character, such as Cannonball. As Cassandra Nova points out, Gladiator’s current levels of confidence (and thus strength) have risen considerably, which makes him powerful enough to put even her into a corner. However, DC’s Superman is even stronger than Gladiator, and he would easily blast holes into any X-Men lineup. This is proved by the fact that, in Marauders, Tempo has to exhaust her powers to age Gladiator’s arm by millennia, which only shrivels his fist, while Superman is now officially immortal in DC Comics.

Gladiator’s recent showing against the Marauders hopefully hints that the character is going to be treated more seriously in the future. While originally inspired by DC’s Superman, Gladiator has grown to be an interesting character with his own lore and potential. If Gladiator is able to hold off the Marauders and one of the most powerful mutants on Krakoa so easily, this proves that the X-Men have no chances against Superman, who his much stronger than his Marvel version.