Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How Playable Venom Could Work

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How Playable Venom Could Work

While brief, the trailer for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 hints at possible gameplay directions the game can take, with one possible feature being a playable Venom. Such a feature would be similar to 2005’s Ultimate Spider-Man game, which featured playable Spider-Man and Venom. Both characters’ playstyle contrasted greatly, with the former being more agile and the latter much more aggressive with an ability to consume NPCs, including the balloon children from Spider-Man 2Ultimate Spider-Man also differed from the traditional canon of Marvel Comics, instead following the Ultimate series of comics written and penciled by Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley, making the symbiote a bioengineered suit to cure disease rather than a parasitic alien from space.

Moreover, Peter Parker and the host of the Venom suit, Edward Brock Jr, were childhood friends. These similarities could carry into Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 with the post-credit scenes in Marvel’s Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales showing a symbiote-like suit enveloping Harry Osborn. Unlike other Marvel games where Spider-Man is playable, Insomniac’s Spider-Man also differed from the traditional comic canon, with the sequel possibly following suit. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may not only take some narrative beats from Ultimate Spider-Man but also include a playable Venom.

With Venom confirmed to be in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it’s guaranteed that the character will influence both the game’s story and gameplay. The sequel looks set to include a darker and more personal journey for Peter Parker, and the inclusion of the symbiote may even test his moral responsibilities. Miles’ status as New York’s other Spider-Man should also add another narrative wrinkle to the game, with no other stories having depicted Peter’s first encounter with the symbiote with Miles already established as a fellow web-slinger. Venom’s playstyle would also add a new avenue in gameplay, completely contrasting Spider-Man’s, similar to how best costumes from Marvel’s Spider-Man added a different look and feel to the game.

Spider-Man 2’s Venom Could Take Inspiration From Ultimate Spidey

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How Playable Venom Could Work

From a narrative standpoint, there are some noteworthy parallels between Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man, with Harry taking Brock’s place as Peter’s best/childhood friend. The symbiote suit also seems to be more of creation rather than an alien discovery, with Curt Conners working with Norman Osborn in the post-credit scene in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Venom could be integrated into the darker, almost horror-like narrative moments in Spider-Man 2, providing an intimate look into Harry’s mental state. Miles’ inclusion in the game would provide a different perspective to the narrative and an opportunity for a third party to intervene between Harry and Peter.

On the gameplay front, playing as Venom could add different, be it more brutal, abilities that went beyond Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ wall takedowns. Venom would be similar to Hulk from Marvel’s Avengers, leaping over buildings and using his tendrils like Spider-Man’s zip line ability. The game could also integrate the power from Ultimate Spider-Man, where Venom consumes NPCs, spitting out their lifeless body. It would contribute to the hunger that comes with Venom and underline Harry’s mentality.

As a playable character in Spider-Man 2, Venom would subvert the themes and tone of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales. Insomniac will likely venture into more violent territory with Marvel’s Wolverine, but playable Venom could be just as brutal. Venom won’t be the only villain in Spider-Man‘s PS5 sequel, with Kraven heavily hinted at in the game’s debut trailer, but he could be distinguished even further if he was playable. Whatever the case, Venom will be a welcome yet frightening addition to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.