Marvel’s Predator Flips The Franchise’s Biggest Cliché On Its Head

Marvel’s Predator Flips The Franchise’s Biggest Cliché On Its Head

Marvel’s new Predator series is flipping one of the franchise’s biggest clichés on its head, as the new protagonist is getting hunted by a Predator with her own weapon. In Predator #2 by Marvel Comics, Theta discovers that she’s not alone while investigating a ship on a snowy planet. The Predator hunting her wields one of her old weapons, which is a refreshing change in the franchise, which often sees humans use Predator weapons to take them out.

In the Predator franchise, there have been several occasions where humans killed Predators with their own weapons. In Predator 2, Danny Glover’s Mike Harrigan ended up finding the Predator’s weaponry and using it to kill one of the deadly creatures. In The Predator, Quinn battled the Fugitive Predator, where he used its advanced alien technology to cloak himself and kill his opponent. Now, that cliché is being flipped on its head, as a Predator uses Theta’s weapon to hunt and try to kill her.

In Predator #2 by Ed Brisson, Kev Walker, and Leinil Francis Yu, Theta crash-lands on a snowy planet, where she has nightmares about the Predator her mother becoming a human hybrid of the monster. After killing an alien creature after 11 days of surviving on the planet without food and taking a snow-traversing hoverbike from a group of aliens who tried to kill her, Theta finds a crashed ship. However, after discovering a Predator has already been there, she views security footage, showing that a Predator is killing with her ax.

Marvel’s Predator Flips The Franchise’s Biggest Cliché On Its Head

Theta’s discovery that the Predator has somehow stolen her weapon and used it to kill humans flips one of the franchise’s biggest clichés on its head. On multiple occasions, humans have acquired the Predator’s powerful alien technology and used it to kill them. Often, it’s the only way to kill the Predators as their human tech isn’t enough. In this case, the Predator stole Theta’s weapon and is hunting her with it, using the same ax that Theta used to get revenge on the creatures.

The question remains, is the Predator using Theta’s weapons one of the creatures who killed her family and led to her tragic origin as a Predator hunter? That’s not entirely clear. But, Theta will have to get creative and become Predator’s version of Ellen Ripley to take down the Predator hunting her on the ship; otherwise, Predator’s biggest cliche will be flipped on its head, as she will be killed with her own weapon. Predator #2 by Marvel Comics is in comic book stores now.