Marvel’s Outlawed Turns a Young Hero Into a Traitor

Marvel’s Outlawed Turns a Young Hero Into a Traitor

Warning! Spoilers for Champions #1 below!

One unique aspect of the Marvel Universe is that the public often proves to be as much of an obstacle to heroes as any supervillain, and rarely has this been more clear than the recent Outlawed event. While most heroes have publicly spoken out against the ban on young heroes, some have privately wondered whether they should just quit rather than fight. Even with this though, few have actively supported the law, few except for one. In Champions #1 Viv Vision betrays her team.

Though this turn might seem surprising at first, it makes perfect sense given Viv’s role in accidentally causing the Outlawed event. During a battle with a dragon, Viv becomes frustrated with the lack of progress in defeating it. Planning to phase through it, Viv flies up just as her teammate Power Man fires a chi blast directly at the monster. The chi blast slams into Viv, causing her to absorb the power and then release it in a burst of energy. The resulting explosion levels a building… a building that Ms. Marvel just so happened to be in. The end result is Kamal Khan being gravely injured and Viv Vision going missing. In the aftermath of it all, a law is quickly passed which outlaws superheroes under the age of 21.

Soon after the law, (dubbed Kamala’s Law) is passed, the Champions meet at one of their hideouts to discuss what to do. Most of the group members are frustrated with the new law, but no one can really agree on what to do about it. These tense conversations are cut short when the government organization responsible for enforcing Kamala’s Law shows up to arrest the Champions. C.R.A.D.L.E. makes quick work of the team, leaving only a handful of members to escape. The team is shaken, but quickly realize that something is wrong with the ambush. The only people who knew where their hideout was were other Champions members, meaning that they have a mole. As agents of C.R.A.D.L.E. speculate that it was Vision who gave them the information, readers see a different synthezoid looking on. Viv Vision watches in regret as her friends and allies are arrested en masse.

Marvel’s Outlawed Turns a Young Hero Into a Traitor

Given everything that’s happened, Viv’s actions here are heartbreaking but understandable. Kamala isn’t just a good friend to Viv, she’s a symbol for young heroes everywhere, so her injury has had serious mental consequences for more than just Kamala herself. Obviously, Kamala’s Law isn’t directly Viv’s fault, but it’s easy to see how she could blame herself.

This issue by writer Eve L. Ewing and artist Simone Di Meo offers a great set-up for a first issue. Most of the Champions are under arrest, one of them is in the hospital, and a founding member has betrayed her team. Seeing Viv’s story play out will be particularly interesting as the events of this issue leave many questions for readers such as what has she been doing since the disaster and how will her team react when they learn the truth. Regardless of what the answers end up being, Champions #1 is an example of how far guilt can push a hero.