Marvel’s Next Biggest Threat is a Demon-Spurred Armageddon – Theory Explained

Marvel’s Next Biggest Threat is a Demon-Spurred Armageddon – Theory Explained

The Marvel Universe is no stranger to crisis and catastrophe, but a major fan theory suggests an impending threat that could surpass anything they’ve encountered before. The speculation swirls around the possibility of Marvel’s next colossal danger – a demon-spurred Armageddon. If this theory materializes, the implications for Marvel’s superheroes could be unprecedented.

Hallows’ Eve: The Big Night (2023) #1 – by Erica Schultz and Michael Dowling – continues Marvel’s recent trend of demonic storylines.

Marvel’s Next Biggest Threat is a Demon-Spurred Armageddon – Theory Explained

Along with Daredevil’s recent supernatural turn, the increased presence of demons in Spider-Man has sparked speculation that the next greatest threat to the Marvel Universe will come from the netherworld.

Marvel’s Next Big Threat Could Already Be Here

Demons Have Become More Prevalent In Marvel The Past Few Years

Hallows' Eve: The Big Night (2023) #1, college kids try to use a demonic finger to enrich themselves

Spider-Man has recently included characters like the unhinged demonic Spider-Man, and featured an invasion of New York City by demons during the Dark Web crossover event. Hallows’ Eve: The Big Night (2023) #1 continues to make demons central to the Marvel Universe. The issue opens with the misguided attempt by three college boys to harness demonic power, using a severed finger purchased from a Limbo demon via ‘eWay.’ What initially appears to be a dead-end endeavor takes a sharp turn when the artifact unleashes unforeseen havoc. Rather than fulfilling their individual desires, the artifact transforms the campus inhabitants into real-life versions of their Halloween costumes, plunging the surroundings into disarray.

Enter Hallows’ Eve, the altruistic Spider-Man antagonist, who manages to reverse the chaotic magic. Nevertheless, the implications of this lingering sense of what is to come for Marvel. More and more, demons are finding ways to infiltrate and exert influence in the human realm. In Hallows’ Eve: The Big Night, the college boys’ misconceived belief in the finger’s wish-granting capability highlights the perilous reality of the pandemonium Marvel’s hell-beings could unleash. Given the recent disturbances caused by demons in New York, these events hint at a broader, more calculated demon-centric narrative, suggesting the potential for a carefully orchestrated invasion into the human world.

A Familiar Face Could Be Behind Marvel’s Demonic Activity

Ben Reilly Is Still A Threat To The Marvel Universe

Hallows' Eve: The Big Night (2023) #1, classic

Hallows’ Eve’s boyfriend, Ben Reilly, known as the villain Chasm, was the mastermind behind the New York City demon invasion, seizing power as the temporary Goblin King, after harnessing the abilities of the Goblin Queen. Presently, he resides in the confines of the Limbo Embassy, serving time for his malevolent actions. However, the recent surge in demonic activities hints at a sinister possibility – that despite his imprisonment, Reilly might maintain a means to influence and further his demonic invasion plans. Even if Reilly isn’t directly linked to the ongoing demon-related chaos, it’s evident that the Marvel Universe could be hurtling toward a catastrophic demon Armageddon.

Hallows’ Eve: The Big Night (2023) #1 from Marvel is now available.