Marvel’s New Spider-Man Gets the Perfect Nickname in Official Canon

Marvel’s New Spider-Man Gets the Perfect Nickname in Official Canon

Warning: Contains a preview for Uncanny Spider-Man #3!Still young into his new superhero career as the new Spider-Man, the X-Man Nightcrawler has already been given the coolest nickname from the public he protects. Now, he’s ready to add another awesome codename to his repertoire.

The nickname is set to debut in Uncanny Spider-Man #3 by Si Spurrier, Lee Garbett, Matt Milla, VC’s Joe Caramagna, and Sarah Brunstad. Cover art from Tony Daniel and Sonia Oback can be viewed below, along with a preview of the panels that will be featured in this future issue.

Marvel’s New Spider-Man Gets the Perfect Nickname in Official Canon

Uncanny Spider-Man #3 will be hitting stores on November 8.

Nightcrawler is Having Fun in His New Spider-Man Persona

Uncanny Spider-Man #3 preview-2

As depicted in the preview, Orchis sets a trap of sorts, waiting for Nightcrawler’s Spider-Man any second as he approaches the kaiju-sized Gaap the Integument. The new Spidey makes swift, yet peaceful work of Gaap before turning his attention to Orchis. It isn’t so much a fight against Orchis as Kurt is toying with them to amuse himself. “I think this is how he has fun,” says the newly appointed Director Vulture in an off-panel discussion with Nimrod. If that is the case, the people of New York City are certainly having fun watching Spider-Man in action, who dubs himself “The Creepy Crawler” to his adoring fans.

The New Spider-Man is the Creepy Crawler

The Creepy Crawler is certainly an appropriately accurate nickname for the former Nightcrawler, although he may want to be careful about using a nickname so close to his X-Men codename. The whole reason he’s become a Spider-Man is to allow himself to lie low in New York while Orchis is hunting mutants. Someone is bound to put two and two together that the teleporting Creepy Crawler with the devilish tail just might be the same teleporting Nightcrawler with the devilish tail. He may be a little overly confident after bringing Silver Sable under his sway last issue, but he might want to be a little more careful.

If the nickname isn’t anything to worry about, what the Creepy Crawler will have to be the combination of Director Vulture and Nimrod plotting against him from the shadows. It looks like Orchis is ready to bring in the heavy hitters, specifically when it comes to Nimrod who did most of the damage earlier this year at the Hellfire Gala’s Mutant Massacre. Orchis soldiers can’t stop Nightcrawler, nor could the consistently lethal Sable. Now Orchis is ready to pull out the big guns, so Spider-Man may need to prepare himself for something devastating coming his way.

Uncanny Spider-Man #3 goes on sale from Marvel on November 8.