Marvel’s Last Avenger Has Completely Lost His Purpose

Marvel’s Last Avenger Has Completely Lost His Purpose

Warning: contains spoilers for Heroes Reborn #1

Though he might be the most complex member of the AvengersBlade has exactly one purpose in life; fighting and killing vampires. This singular goal sets him apart from many of Marvel’s other heroes who seek more nebulous things like peace, justice, or fairness. However, what happens when that drive is taken away from him? Marvel’s new Heroes Reborn event answers just that, as readers see what becomes of Marvel’s best vampire hunter in a world with no vampires.

In Heroes Reborn #1 from Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness, readers are introduced to a Marvel universe turned upside down. The Avengers are nowhere in sight, having been replaced by the Squadron Supreme, and fusions of classic Marvel villains such as Doctor Doom and Juggernaut have become major threats. For some reason, Blade is the only hero who remembers how the world used to be. Two weeks have passed since he woke up to this new reality, and he’s been trying to find anyone else who remembers the old world. More than the fact that the world is different though, one thing bothers Blade above all else; he hasn’t smelled a single vampire in his two weeks on this new Earth. To Blade’s horror, the Heroes Reborn reality is better than the main Marvel Universe.

Far from driving Blade into a depressive spiral though, this knowledge only makes him search harder for any hint of the world that once was. He finds Thor drunk in a bar, lamenting the death of his people and his father at the hands of the monstrous All-Gog. Though Thor denies Blade’s call to heroism, it clearly sparks something in the God of Thunder that has laid dormant for far too long. Next, Blade goes to meet the Squadron hero Nighthawk as he deals with a version of Red Skull with access to the Venom Symbiote, known as Black Skull. While helping Nighthawk out, Blade gets the first bit of hope he’s had in two weeks. Nighthawk doesn’t say anything to tip Blade off, but something in his eyes tells Blade that Nighthawk and the Squadron know that the new reality is false. With renewed resolve, Blade seeks out the only person who he knows will help him; the still frozen Captain America.

Marvel’s Last Avenger Has Completely Lost His Purpose

One thing that Heroes Reborn has done well so far is making a case for why Blade deserves to be on the Avengers. Many comic fans were confused as to his recent placement among Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and were convinced that he was made to join the team strictly to promote his movie. While his upcoming role in the MCU is undoubtedly playing a role in Marvel’s renewed interest in the character, much in the same way as Shang-Chi and the Eternals, that doesn’t mean he’s not a good fit for the Avengers. His appearance here shows that Blade is a remarkable fighter and even better at getting information.

It’s tempting to suggest that Blade’s desire to return to the old world is just a new manifestation of his insatiable need to kill vampires. After all, returning to the main Marvel universe seems to be the only way Blade will ever get to kill the hordes of the undead again. Regardless of why he wants to return though, Blade’s quest to reunite the Avengers proves why he’s among Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.