Marvel’s Hercules Almost Lost His Wife To [SPOILER]

Marvel’s Hercules Almost Lost His Wife To [SPOILER]

Spider-Man has had many different love interests, from supermodels to superheroes (and a supervillain or two), Spidey’s dated them all. At one point, however, Spider-Man dated a girl dangerously out of his league when he scored a date with Hebe – the Greek goddess of youth! What made her so dangerous? Seems her estranged husband was a guy named Hercules

The story took place in Assault on New Olympus #1 during a period when there was great upheaval among the Greek Gods (who had modernized and created a mortal corporation – The Olympus Group). Due to a family squabble, Hebe was cast out by her mother Hera (she literally tossed Hebe out a window) and ended up working at the FEAST homeless shelter alongside Peter Parker’s Aunt May – who was just as interested in helping her neighborhood as Spider-Man.

Having served as the cupbearer for the gods, Hebe’s cooking attracted not only New York’s homeless but also well-to-do foodies who donated generously to the cause. Grateful for Hebe’s help, May decided Hebe was just the sort of nice girl who would get along with her nephew Peter, whose marriage to Mary Jane Watson had been erased by the controversial storyline One More Day. This left Peter single once again and ready to date a long line of offbeat (and usually incompatible) love interests.

Marvel’s Hercules Almost Lost His Wife To [SPOILER]

Surprisingly, Peter and Hebe got along pretty well. Despite her divine heritage, Hebe was very sweet and humble – and found Peter hilarious. She even opened up about her troubled marriage to Hercules and wondered out loud what she had done wrong to make him leave her. Simultaneously moved and attracted, Peter kissed her.

Bad move. Peter’s spider-sense immediately went off, informing him that a ticked off Hercules was standing right behind them. Before Peter could say a word in his defense, Herc promptly hurled him through a building for daring to “lay lustful hands on my wife!” Hebe immediately defended Peter (who most certainly would have died if not for his spider-powers) by accusing Herc for not paying any attention to her for three thousand years. While they squabbled, Peter had time to switch to Spider-Man and informed Hercules that he’d put Peter Parker in a safe place. Enraged, Hercules battled Spider-Man, demanding for him to produce Parker. Spidey tried to throw some cars at the mad god, but Herc just threw them back and buried Spidey under an entire pile of cars.

Just as Spidey appeared doomed, the bad “Parker Luck” both saved and humiliated him when Hebe rushed in to defend Spider-Man (pointing out all the times Herc was unfaithful to her over the centuries). The two ended up reconciling, kissing as Peter/Spidey (still trapped under several tons of car parts) was begging for help. Eventually Spider-Man got out and ended up assisting Hercules and Hebe in their battle against the gods – but it’s a sure bet that Peter Parker now has second thoughts about going out with any more goddesses in the future. You just never know what your date’s exes will be like…