Marvel’s God Officially Names the Universe’s Greatest Mystery

Marvel’s God Officially Names the Universe’s Greatest Mystery

Spoilers for Defenders Beyond #5 by Marvel ComicsIn a meeting with the real god of the Marvel Universe, the One Above All, the being responsible for creating everything, revealed the greatest mystery ever: his own creation. In Defenders Beyond #5, Blue Marvel confronts the all-powerful entity, but when pressed about whether there’s another force at hand who created him, the One Above All admits there’s no greater mystery at hand.

Marvel’s newest Defenders squad has traveled to the different Cosmos and the outskirts of existence to save reality from its most significant cosmic threats. In the team’s final mission, Blue Marvel, America Chavez, Loki, Galactus’ mother Taaia, Tigra, and the Beyonder, have made it to the House of Ideas, where inside, they’ve met the true face of god in the Marvel Universe, the One Above All. The being responsible for all of creation offers answers to different questions each team member of the Defenders asks. Still, when pressed about where he came from, the One Above All admits his own existence is one of the greatest mysteries.

In Defenders Beyond #5 by Al Ewing and Javier Rodriguez from Marvel Comics, the Defenders get a rare meeting with the One Above All inside the House of Ideas. Blue Marvel asks the being responsible for creating the Marvel Universe where he’s truly “above all,” what “creates creation?” and whether the entity knows who made him. The One Above All admits that the mystery intrigues him, as Marvel’s god offers a surprise response about his existence.

One Above All’s Creation Is Marvel’s Greatest Mystery

Marvel’s God Officially Names the Universe’s Greatest Mystery

The One Above All doesn’t offer a concrete answer about whether he was created by something else. However, his mentioning that he was the “place where the world of action ends… and the world of creation begins” strongly hints at his true creators. Action represents the world inside the comics, while creation represents the true world – implying that comic book creators are responsible for their existence – although the One Above All doesn’t explicitly say so. Considering Marvel’s representation of god has taken on the form of legendary comic book creator Jack Kirby, his hints about what he truly is and how he was created make sense.

Still, despite the hints at how Marvel’s god was created, his creation in the universe remains a mystery that even intrigues the all-powerful being. As a result, the One Above All’s true origin and creation remain the greatest mystery in the Marvel Universe and one that’s likely never to be fully answered. Defenders Beyond #5 by Marvel Comics is in comic book stores now.