Marvel’s DEADLIEST Villain Was Beaten The Most Embarrassing Way

Marvel’s DEADLIEST Villain Was Beaten The Most Embarrassing Way

Often called the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, mutant Doreen Green has taken down multiple heavy hitters in the Marvel Universe, including Doctor Doom, Fin Fang Foom, and Galactus himself. Most of Squirrel Girl’s victories involve her employing a clever strategy against her foes (often using squirrels), but not all of her wins are necessarily complicated. In fact, many of her best moves seem almost… obvious in retrospect.

Take the time Squirrel Girl had to battle the evil genius MODOK. While many teams, from the Avengers to SHIELD, have fought this villain, few heroes have thought to take a common sense approach in exploiting this bad guy’s most obvious weak spot.

Once a lowly technician for the evil organization Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM), George Tarleton became the unfortunate guinea pig for one of his organization’s horrific experiments when his fellow scientists manipulated his genetic structure. The experiment greatly expanded Tarleton’s brain – literally – by turning him into a massive head with tiny arms and legs. Now too off balance to support his own body, Tarleton had to be outfitted with a floating chair that granted him his mobility.

Marvel’s DEADLIEST Villain Was Beaten The Most Embarrassing Way

Still, the experiment did come with some benefits. Tarleton’s literal big brain made him superhumanly intelligent and capable of solving problems and mathematical equations faster than a super computer. He also gained several mental powers, including telepathy and the ability to generate force fields. This made him useful to AIM, who decided to rename him “MODOC” or “Mental Organism Designed Only For Computing.” Tarleton, however, had other plans when he used his new powers to kill the scientists who made him – and then renamed himself “MODOK” or “Mental Organism Designed Only For Killing.”

MODOK found himself in conflict with many Marvel heroes, particularly Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man, and several other Avengers. During the GLX-Mas Special, however, none of these heroes were available to stop MODOK’s latest rampage, so SHIELD called in the one hero who was tougher than all of those superheroes combined – Squirrel Girl. As luck would have it, Squirrel Girl just happened to be doing some last-minute Christmas shopping for her team, The Great Lakes X-Men (formerly known as the Great Lakes Avengers), and was readily available to lend SHIELD a much-needed assist. While Squirrel Girl had never fought MODOK before, she had a handy set of Iron Man Vs. trading cards which gave her all of his vital statistics (battle chair, giant head, mental blasts), letting her know immediately what she had to do.

Telling SHIELD to fall back, Squirrel Girl unleashed her devastating “Fuzzball Special” which involved her throwing her squirrel partner Tippy-Toe right at MODOK’s giant nose. MODOK was horrified by the brilliant tactic, screaming, “Curses! Arms too tiny! Head too big!” as Tippy-Toe clawed and bit him. Soon, however, the Tippy-Toe decided to crawl into MODOK’s floating chair and chew through some vital wiring, causing all of his systems to go down and render MODOK completely immobile.

Leaving the defeated MODOK for SHIELD, Squirrel Girl went back to her Christmas shopping – although in retrospect, her strategy seems like something any SHIELD agent could do with their expensive gadgets and sharpshooters. Clearly, SHIELD doesn’t hire the most creative minds to come up with their strategies – which is why it’s good that people like Squirrel Girl are around to take down the menaces beyond the ability of government agencies to handle.