Marvel Shows Humans Will Never Be Prepared For Xenomorph Attacks

Marvel Shows Humans Will Never Be Prepared For Xenomorph Attacks

Warning! Spoilers for Alien #2 by Marvel Comics below!

Marvel Comics is continuing to hammer home the fact that encountering a Xenomorph in the Alien universe is one of the most terrifying experiences a human can have. In brand-new previews for Alien #2, Marvel is showing how scary it is for a human to try to hide from a Xenomorph when the vicious monster is lurking on the prowl for their next hunt.

Marvel recently acquired the rights to the iconic sci-fi/horror franchise and released a comic focusing on Gabriel Cruz, who serves as a Defense Agent for Weyland-Yutani. Cruz, who’s survived a violent Xenomorph attack before, isn’t on good terms with his son Danny, who actually is part of a movement to take down the Weyland-Yutani corporation. Danny’s resistance group broke into a research facility, only to discover a number of Xenomorphs being experimented on. As they looked for answers, the first issue of the series ends with a Xenomorph accidentally being let loose, ready to run rampage on the group.

Previews World exclusively debuted the first look at Aliens #2 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Salvador Larroca, and Guru-eFx, which is set to focus on Cruz trying to save his son amidst the Xenomorph outbreak. In the preview, a young girl and her grandfather are seen on Epsilon Station in the present day of 2200. The pair are hiding in a bedroom as emergency speakers tell residents to “remain in their quarters.” The young girl is scared and crying and tells her grandfather there’s something outside. While he tries to convince her it’s just the lights making things look funny, she tells him she saw something. The man goes to investigate but is ripped away by something, leaving the girl to face the shadowy creature all by herself.

Marvel Shows Humans Will Never Be Prepared For Xenomorph Attacks
Alien Comics
Alien Comics
Alien Comics

Gabe is informed that a group of anti-corporate terrorists has taken over Epsilon Station and something “seriously bad just happened.” He informs him of the grizzly details surrounding the Xenomorph outbreak.

The panels show how truly terrifying Xenomorphs can be and how helpless humans are during their attacks. Assuming the Xenomorph which was accidentally set free is terrorizing those living on Epsilon Station – which was seemingly designed to house and experiment on the aliens – even those who are part of the mission have no way to fight back. That is unless they didn’t know that Epsilon Station was experimenting on Xenomorphs which is also possible. Regardless, being a human trying to keep quiet and hide from a Xenomorph is one of the scariest positions a human can be in, as one wrong breath or move and you’re dead. Even being armed with weapons and being prepared won’t ensure survival. Alien #2 is in comic book stores next week.