Marvel Reveals the Songs on New Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix Tape

Marvel Reveals the Songs on New Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix Tape

Warning: contains spoilers for “Waugh IF: Howard the Duck Became the New Star-Lord,” appearing in Howard the Duck #1!

Marvel has revealed the songs on Star-Lord’s new “Awesome Mix Tape.” Star-Lord, the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, is known throughout the cosmos for the music mixes he makes. Now, in Howard the Duck #1, the titular hero is treated to a vision of a possible timeline where he joins the Guardians as the new Star-Lord, and his first act is to record over Peter Quill’s mix, putting new songs on it.

In the story “Waugh If: Howard the Duck Became the New Star-Lord?”, written by Merritt K and drawn by Will Robson, appearing in Howard the Duck #1, Howard the Duck is the new leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. As he prepares to lead the team into battle, he pops “Howard’s Awesome Mix, Volume One” onto the console. One of Howard’s teammates tells him that Peter Quill will be angry that Howard recorded on his mixtape, replacing the carefully curated selection with nothing but songs by the Doobie Brothers.

Marvel Reveals the Songs on New Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix Tape

Howard reminds them he is Star-Lord now, and the team cycles through many Michael McDonald songs before arriving at their destination.

Star-Lord’s Mixes Are Essential to His Character

Star-Lord Awesome Mix Howard the Duck 2

Star-Lord has a long history at Marvel Comics, debuting in the mid-1970s, but it was not until Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning dusted him off for their 2008 relaunch of Guardians of the Galaxy that he came into his own. The character then exploded into the mainstream in the 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy film, played by Chris Pratt. In that movie, Star-Lord made mixtapes, consisting of classic rock songs from Earth. In fact, one of Star-Lord’s “mixes” was released on digital and vinyl, and became one of that year’s best-selling albums. Mix tapes have become an integral part of Star-Lord’s character.

Unfortunately for Star-Lord, Howard has descreated one of his mixtapes, recording over it, something that may create issues between the two should Peter Quill decide to return. The songs on Star-Lord’s Awesome Mixes are not mere throwaways and are not afterthoughts. As with any good mix, Star-Lord put a lot of time and thought into it, and Howard almost nonchalantly recorded over the songs Peter had chosen. Furthermore, Howard replaced what was probably a diverse mixture with songs by one particular artist, in this case the Doobie Brothers. While this story is out of continuity, Star-Lord will no doubt be mad when he finds out.

Would Star-Lord Be Mad at Howard the Duck?

star lord will return in the mcu's future

However, there is a possibility Star-Lord could like what Howard the Duck did to his mixtapes. Star-Lord, particularly in the MCU, shows a keen interest in classic rock (pre-1980s) from Earth. The Doobie Brothers, who debuted in the 1970s and enjoyed a multi-decade career, fall right into this wheelhouse. It has never been revealed if Star-Lord likes the Doobie Brothers, but it would not be a stretch if he did. Instead of being angry at Howard, Star-Lord may get a good laugh out of it, pop the new Awesome Mix in, and fight evil.

Howard the Duck #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!