Marvel Reveals How Thanos Built His Deadliest Army

Marvel Reveals How Thanos Built His Deadliest Army

Warning: Spoilers for Eternals #8!

In Marvel Comics, Thanos is one of the most ruthless Avengers villains of them all, and now he’s getting a deadly army all thanks to the Eternals! Well technically he’s getting help from only one of them, the conniving and sketchy Eternal known as Druig, but getting an entire force of Eternals to bend to his will because of him is a moment that should be taken note of regardless.

As seen in the latest issue of Eternals, by Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribic, Thanos has just been crowned Prime Eternal in a rigged vote that was never going to end the way the good guys planned. Killing then resurrecting his accomplice, Druig, to hide some key facts about his ascension, Thanos orders Druig to give himself a new body so he can continue his bloody rampage across the Eternal line.

Failing at first to integrate properly, Thanos brutally murders Domo, his “Prime Advisor in matters of science,” after revealing that another Eternal, Phastos, is the only person who can complete the process which Thanos needs to survive. Knowing that he must now locate and capture Phastos, Thanos asks Druig what kind of forces he has at his disposal, with Druig offering The Mad Titan a few options.

Marvel Reveals How Thanos Built His Deadliest Army

Telling Thanos to “pick two” qualities of the army he wants to lead into battle, Thanos says he wants a crew that has a “lack of ethics,” since the last thing he needs is for his warriors to act squeamish “halfway through a genocide,” and trustworthiness since he wants to be able to “trust those who march alongside me into battle.” Smiling, Druig realizes that he has the perfect group of Eternals in mind, the Oceanic Watch, or the “sword” and “scabbard” of the Prime Eternal, thus giving Thanos an army that’s far deadlier than what he’s used to.

Often utilizing his Black Order of alien warriors in comics or even the now-iconic Chitauri forces in the MCU movies, Thanos getting a bunch of Eternals to use as he sees fit is a tactical and powerful army upgrade unlike any other. Acting as a “doomsday watch” and put into the field at the “Prime Eternal’s express command,” the Oceanic Watch consists of Eternals that are all dangerous “weapons” in their own right, and now with the added benefit of being ordered around by the tactical genius that is Thanos, these warriors are going to be even more deadly than before.

So while Thanos will still need a lot of luck to take Phastos against his will, having an Eternal force at his disposal should make things a whole lot easier. Thanos plus the power of the Eternals will no doubt be a sight to see, but fans will need to wait to read the next issue when it hits stores next month to find out exactly how things go down.