Marvel Officially Confirms Captain America’s Birthday – Do You Share Your Birthday with Steve Rogers?

Marvel Officially Confirms Captain America’s Birthday – Do You Share Your Birthday with Steve Rogers?

WARNING: Potential Spoilers for Captain America #7!Marvel has definitively dispelled the notion that Captain America’s birthday falls on Independence Day by unveiling the American-themed Avenger’s TRUE birthday, as disclosed by the mouth of Steve Rogers himself. Alongside discovering his actual birthdate, fans now have insight into Cap’s official zodiac sign, which aligns perfectly with the justice-seeking, people-protecting hero.

In Captain America #7, penned by J. Michael Straczynski and illustrated by Carlos Magno, Steve follows the instructions on a mysterious note that leads him to an otherworldly night show called “The Front Door.” While waiting for the show to begin, a young woman named Teresa approaches Steve and asks him if he’d like her to do his astrological chart.

Marvel Officially Confirms Captain America’s Birthday – Do You Share Your Birthday with Steve Rogers?

After a moment of hesitation Steve replies with a, “..sure, why not? Teresa then inquires about his birthdate, to which he reluctantly discloses: September 28, 1922—a revelation that contradicts his widely believed July 4th birthday among fans.

Captain America’s Official Birthday Is September 28, 1922

Captain America second life young Steve Rogers and old Steve

Captain America #7 isn’t the first instance where Cap’s Independence Day Birthday has been debunked. Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, also shed light on this in Captain America and the Winter Soldier Special #1 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Kev Walker. Bucky reveals to Peggy that Steve’s actual birthday isn’t July 4th, implying that the Independence Day birthday was more of a product of WWII propaganda, bolstering Cap’s patriotic image rather than a factual representation. However, despite dispelling the previously believed birthday, fans were left in the dark regarding Steve’s actual birthdate until now.

The disclosure that Steve was born on September 28, 1922, arguably presents a more realistic and fitting birthday for the Avenger. While having Captain America’s birthday coincide with Independence Day might appear suitable for the American-themed hero, it’s essential to consider the man behind the mask. Steve Rogers wasn’t always Captain America, so it would have been quite a coincidence for him to have been born on July 4th and later become Captain America. Therefore, the revelation of his actual birthdate offers a more plausible and compelling narrative for the beloved superhero.

“Caring, Supportive, All About Justice”: Steve Roger’s Zodiac Sign Is Libra

Captain America and His Shield

With the confirmation of Steve’s birthday, fans now also know his official zodiac sign—Libra. Steve being a Libra is much more fitting than the Cancer he would have been if his birthdate were truly July 4th. As Teresa explains in Captain America #7, Libras are “supportive, caring, all about justice, and protecting people,” which perfectly encapsulates Steve’s character. Male Libras are also renowned for their diplomacy, unwavering commitment, charm, and loyalty, all of which are fundamental traits of Steve’s personality. Therefore, uncovering Captain America’s true birthday has revealed some intriguing insights about him.

Featured Image: Close up of Captain America, with sun shining off his shield


Captain America Cosplay Makes His 1970s Movie Costume Surprisingly Cool

Captain America’s 1970s movie costume left A LOT to be desired, yet one fan has transformed this lame costume into something exceedingly cool.

Captain America #7 is available now from Marvel!


Captain America #7 cover featuring Steve Rogers

  • Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
  • Artist: Carlos Magno
  • Colorist: Espen Grundetjern
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke