Marvel Names the 1 MCU Hero Who’s Immune to Captain Marvel’s Strength

Marvel Names the 1 MCU Hero Who’s Immune to Captain Marvel’s Strength

It’s no secret that Captain Marvel is considered the strongest member of the Avengers, as her cosmic power can only be calculated on a god-tier scale. However, even with all that established strength, there seems to be one MCU hero who has become immune to Captain Marvel, which could mean the beginning of the end for Carol Danvers’ superhero supremacy.

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel is a human/Kree hybrid who can fly, absorb/manipulate energy, shoot photon blasts from her hands, and even self-sustain, which allows her to fly through space without air, food, or water. Based on her power set alone, it’s clear to see how she’s so powerful, even when compared with heroes like Hulk or Thor. However, after the 2019 The Last Avenger storyline, fans don’t have to assume Captain Marvel can kick every other Avenger’s butt, as the proof was put right there in front of them.

Marvel Names the 1 MCU Hero Who’s Immune to Captain Marvel’s Strength

The Last Avenger showed Captain Marvel fighting and seemingly killing every member of the Avengers, starting with Thor. While she didn’t actually kill any of them, Carol did have to beat them in a fight in order for her ruse to work, and could only fill the Avengers in on her situation after they were beaten. Basically, this story proves that Captain Marvel is the strongest Avenger, though if it were written today, there would have to be at least one major change, as there’s now an Avenger Captain Marvel wouldn’t be able to touch: Iron Man.

Iron Man Is Now Immune To Captain Marvel’s Strength

In The Invincible Iron Man #11 by Gerry Duggan and Andrea Di Vito, Tony Stark gets his hands on a new material courtesy of Emma Frost: mysterium. The reason Iron Man is in the market for a major upgrade is due to the current status of his company’s legacy, which has become synonymous with Sentinels following the hostile takeover of Star International by a mutant-hating extremist. Indeed, Iron Man-style Sentinels are now patrolling the world looking for mutants, and the original Iron Man wants to do something about it.

When Tony Stark got the mysterium (also known as Anti-Magic Metal), he took it to every hero he knew to test its strength. Tony brought it to Doctor Strange to see if it truly lived up to its alternate title (it did). He brought it to Spider-Man to see if it would trigger his spider-sense (it didn’t, indicating it wouldn’t trigger any alarm system). And finally, Tony brought the mysterium to the strongest person he knew, Captain Marvel, to see if she could break it (she couldn’t).

Mysterium Can Withstand Captain Marvel’s Full Strength, Which Could Be Bad For Carol

Captain Marvel vs Iron Man.

Tony only brought a rod of mysterium to each Avenger to test its mettle, meaning a full Iron Man suit built from the metal would make Stark practically unstoppable. While this proves that Iron Man has effectively become immune to Captain Marvel’s strength while wearing a mysterium suit, it also proves something a tad more sinister. If Captain Marvel can’t break (or even slightly dent) mysterium, yet Tony Stark can craft a whole suit from it, that means chains, shackles, or any other methods of imprisonment could conceivably be crafted and used against Captain Marvel. It’s been established that she’s stronger than every Avenger, but that doesn’t mean her unparalleled power can’t be contained. And now, there’s an actual way to achieve that previously impossible feat.

Right now, however, mysterium is still incredibly rare, but the same was true for adamantium not too long ago, and now that metal is everywhere. If mysterium becomes more prevalent in the Marvel Universe, then it could pose a very real threat to Captain Marvel. Though as it stands, Iron Man is the only one who’s manipulating mysterium in any significant capacity, making him the one MCU hero who’s immune to Captain Marvel’s strength.