Marvel Is Reversing Infinity War’s Most Tragic Death In Dark Ages

Marvel Is Reversing Infinity War’s Most Tragic Death In Dark Ages

Warning! Spoilers for Marvel’s Dark Ages #1 below.

Marvel Comics is reversing the saddest death from Avengers: Infinity War, but with a twist. In a new preview for the upcoming Dark Ages event, Scarlet Witch is shown disintegrating while Vision can only watch on in horror. The moment is reminiscent of one of Wanda Maximoff’s greatest MCU tragedies; when she watched Thanos destroy Vision to steal the Mind Stone.

The most tragic death in Avengers: Infinity War wasn’t any of the heroes who were snapped away by Thanos, but instead when the Mad Titan ripped the Mind Stone from Vision’s head. Scarlet Witch was even forced to kill her greatest love, destroying the Infinity Stone before Thanos got to it. However, the supervillain used the Time Stone to reverse time and bring Vision back to life, just so he could kill the synthezoid all over again. Vision’s destruction would lead to Wanda taking over Westwood and creating a false reality in WandaVision. Now, Marvel is putting Vision through a similar hell.

Tom Taylor and Iban Coello’s upcoming Dark Ages event will plunge the Marvel Universe into darkness, as all sources of power will go out. The results are shaping up to be catastrophic, as heroes are left picking up the pieces in a world that’s been sent back to the Dark Ages. After previously teasing Iron Man’s suit failing mid-air and crashing against a plane, a new preview posted by Bleeding Cool shows the grisly fate of Scarlet Witch. In uncolored and unlettered art by Coello, Vision is seen rushing to his partner’s aid, only to see her disintegrate.

Marvel Is Reversing Infinity War’s Most Tragic Death In Dark Ages

Vision reaches out for Wanda with a look of horror on both their faces, as she starts to disappear in front of him. After she fades away, Vision immediately launches towards a giant force that is probably the Unmaker – who’s set to be the big bad of the series. Perhaps, the Unmaker’s power is to literally remove people from the timeline, much like Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War.

Much like Scarlet Witch witnessing Vision die in Avengers: Infinity War, readers can similarly see the overwhelming pain on his face as Wanda begins to disappear. The moment is a mix of Vision’s death from the film but reversed, and is also similar to Thanos’ snap. Scarlet Witch’s death is set to send Vision down a dark path that includes a horrifying new look. It’s apparent the Avengers and Vision are in huge trouble, as Scarlet Witch’s death illustrates the magnitude of power the surviving heroes are up against. Dark Ages is in comic book stores in September.