Marvel Has a New Thanos in Town (And None of the Guardians of the Galaxy are Safe)

Marvel Has a New Thanos in Town (And None of the Guardians of the Galaxy are Safe)

Warning: Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #10!One of Marvel’s most beloved teams, the Guardians of the Galaxy, are forced to face their world’s next Thanos in the form of Star-Lord’s sister. The reign of terror ushered in by Thanos is incomparable and the damage he’s done with and without the Infinity Gauntlet is difficult to rival. However, this latest foe has already made enough of an impact for the Guardians of the Galaxy to compare them to The Mad Titan.

The madness of Empress Victoria is on full display in Guardians of the Galaxy #10 by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Kev Walker, Matt Hollingsworth, and VC’s Cory Petit. Following a surprising villain turn by Groot that turned out not to be as villainous as originally suspected, Empress Victoria is on a quest to save the galaxy. Unfortunately, her methods of doing so are questionable at best, and life-threatening to everyone (including her team) at worst.

Marvel Has a New Thanos in Town (And None of the Guardians of the Galaxy are Safe)

Victoria’s quest against the Guardians of Grootspace convinces her to blow up the sun, risking the lives of her followers in Thanos-esque fashion.

The Guardians of the Galaxy’s Worst Enemies are Uncannily Similar

Queen Victoria targets the Guardians of the Galaxy

Most readers are aware of how Thanos’ aspirations for genocide out of an infatuation for Mistress Death differs from his MCU reasoning, but his evil isn’t exclusive to a trivial crush. The more twisted reason behind his desire to destroy life comes from the fact that he has been wronged by so many people who he perceives as evil and his desire to fight back against the pain inflicted upon him, as reflected in 2021’s Eternals series. This is where he and Empress Victoria become spitting images of each other.

Empress Victoria’s turn into the Guardians of the Galaxy’s deadliest villain originates from witnessing what appears to be Groot killing people and swallowing planets whole across the galaxy. Her efforts would be considered noble if they weren’t simultaneously extreme and ego-maniacal. Still, though, her genuine intentions and conflicting, self-destructive actions are what link her to Thanos. Both are people who have seen the worst that the universe has to offer, and their paranoia compels them to fight back in cruel ways.

Only The Guardians’ Leader Can Stop His Sister

Star Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy challenges Empress Victoria for her throne

The cliffhanger ending sees Star-Lord challenge his sister for her throne, and that may be the only way to beat her. Similar to Thanos, the only way to deprive a megalomaniac of their power is to take that power away. For Thanos, when he is at his most powerful, defeating him is usually as simple as taking away his Infinity Gauntlet. For Victoria, to humble and defeat her, Peter Quill will need to take the throne from underneath her. Otherwise, the Guardians of the Galaxy are doomed if he fails.