Marvel Finally Explains Why Loki Wasted His MCU Ruling Over Asgard

Marvel Finally Explains Why Loki Wasted His MCU Ruling Over Asgard

Warning: Spoilers for The Immortal Thor #3!A decade after Thor: The Dark World was released, Marvel Comics finally explains why Loki wasted his time as ruler of Asgard. Anyone who saw 2013’s Thor sequel will recall the cliffhanger ending in which Odin is unveiled to be Loki in disguise, serving as the King of Asgard while the real Odin is away. Except, about 10 minutes into the sequel, Thor: Ragnarok, Loki hasn’t done much as ruler of Asgard besides orchestrate plays starring Matt Damon before he’s found out.

One would argue that Loki wasted his time as King of Asgard. That is, until the release of The Immortal Thor #3 by Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo, Matthew Wilson, and VC’s Joe Sabino, where Marvel finally adds some context as to why Loki wasted his time. When Thor is being tested by Loki, the God of Mischief demands that Thor hand over the throne of Asgard.

Marvel Finally Explains Why Loki Wasted His MCU Ruling Over Asgard

This raises a red flag for Thor and adds some depth to not only the MCU’s Loki, but every Loki within the multiverse.

No Version of Loki Wants to Rule Over Asgard

The Immortal Thor calls Loki a liar

When Thor awakens from his All-Sleep, the All-Father is forced into a riddle from Loki that proves to be as physically taxing on Thor as it is mentally taxing. This is Loki’s means of trying to test and prepare the Mighty One for the dangers that will be arriving at his doorstep next. Thor is practically powerless in the Rune Raidho where Loki has trapped him, where the Rune blocks all other magics, even Thor’s All-Power. When Thor gets one more chance to answer this riddle, he defiantly declares, “Any Loki who says they want a throne is a liar!” Thor is proven right when Loki frees him.

Kingly Responsibilities Don’t Interest Loki

Chris Hemsworth in Thor Love and Thunder and Thor and Loki in 2011's Thor

What’s important to note is that Thor doesn’t just accuse this version of Loki of not wanting the throne, but he specifies that any Loki is a liar if they claim to desire kingship. Past depictions of Loki in other forms of media show this to be true. It speaks to the core at the heart of any and every version of Loki. Traditionally, whenever Loki has tried to cease the throne, it’s just that they want: the throne. Usually, their pursuit of any sort of throne that they want comes from their desire to take something that belongs to someone else whom they despise, or maybe they merely want something that does not belong to them.

However, no Loki has ever wanted the responsibilities that come with the throne. No Loki wants to work toward putting laws into practice or conquering anyone, even in universes where they do miraculously gain the kingship they fight for. Loki may want the title and maybe even the power that comes with it, but never the responsibilities that come with the throne. Ergo, if they don’t want the responsibilities of the throne, no Loki truly wants the throne.

The Immortal Thor #3 is available now from Marvel Comics.