Marvel Answers King in Black’s Biggest Question, Meaning Knull CAN Appear in the MCU

Marvel Answers King in Black’s Biggest Question, Meaning Knull CAN Appear in the MCU

Warning: contains spoilers for Death of the Venomverse #5!Marvel has answered one of the biggest questions surrounding the King in Black, and it means Knull can appear in the MCU. In Death of the Venomverse #5, Carnage, on a quest to kill all symbiotes across the multiverse and take their powers for himself, fights Knull, who was seemingly defeated during the King in Black event. However, Knull’s appearance here answers a burning question fans have had about the character since his first appearance.

Death of the Venomverse #5 is written by Cullen Bunn and drawn by Geradro Sandoval. A group of symbiotes has gathered on Earth-1051, ready to take the fight to Carnage. They transport to the scene of the battle, where a team of Avengers and X-Men are watching Carnage fight Knull. Knull calls Carnage a “castoff from another reality.” Carnage tells Knull that if he cannot destroy him, he has no chance against the King in Black. While he is referring to Eddie Brock, Knull believes Carnage is talking about him. Knull boasts he is the King in Black, but Carnage says: “not on my world.”

Knull Nearly Beat the Marvel Universe

Marvel Answers King in Black’s Biggest Question, Meaning Knull CAN Appear in the MCU

Knull was a fearsome figure in the Marvel Universe and was created by writer Donny Cates and artist Ryan Stegman during their landmark Venom run. Introduced as the god of the symbiotes, Knull embarked on a crusade of evil against the gods of the Marvel Universe, either slaying or enslaving them. Knull brought the battle to Earth, where its heroes barely beat him. In the wake of Knull’s defeat, Eddie Brock ascended to the role of King in Black, a title he still holds. Outside a brief appearance as a statue during the Heroes Reborn event, Knull has not been seen since.

Knull Was Powerful – But Mysterious

King in Black Knull

Knull’s original appearances left some lingering questions that were never resolved. First and foremost among them was just what kind of cosmic being Knull was. Knull was unbelievably powerful, able to kill a Celestial, but questions swirled if he existed before the current universe was born, or if he was created before the entire multiverse. Knull talked as if he was the latter, a mutliversal being with ties to every reality. Books such as Defenders Beyond hinted at this also, suggesting Knull was alive during the Third Cosmos.

Yet Death of the Venomverse #5 shatters all those notions. Knull stands revealed as just another cosmic being, with multiple versions of him stretching across the multiverse. While this may seem to rob Knull of some of his coolness, it means he can appear in the MCU with no complications. Sony’s Spider-Man films are now permanently linked to the MCU, including Venom, which means Knull can also appear. Knull’s favorite weapon, the Necrosword, already appeared in Thor: Love and Thunder, setting the stage for Knull to enter the MCU. Knull may not be as powerful as once thought, but it instead opens up new story possibilities, including the King in Black joining the MCU.

Death of the Venomverse #5 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!