Marvel Admits Iron Man Officially Has Too Many Armors

Marvel Admits Iron Man Officially Has Too Many Armors

Warning: contains spoilers for Captain America/Iron Man #1!

Marvel’s Iron Man has produced dozens of armors ever since he first appeared in the Marvel Universe, but despite the decades of technological advances, all these powerful armors are creating a serious branding problem. While other heroes like Captain America are content with their old costume and rarely update their “classic” look, Iron Man introduces a new major chance practically every year – and many armors are constructed to fight a singular villain. In Iron Man/Captain America #1, even the local Marvel public realize this is a major issue.

In Tales of Suspense #39, Iron Man makes his debut with his very first suit of armor: a mostly-featureless grey-and-silver apparatus that allows him to escape the clutches of Wong-Chu, a Communist warlord of Sin-Cong. Eventually the grey suit would become gold, but it wouldn’t be until Tales of Suspense #48 when Tony would add his now-standard red to the armor (“hot-rod red” he dubs the color in the Marvel Cinematic Universe). Since then, Tony has only added more and more armors with every passing year.

In Captain America/Iron Man #1, Fifty-One, a recruit of the Fifty-State Initiate (set up in the aftermath of Marvel’s first Civil War event), appears flying over a busy city freeway. Two guards driving a police prisoner van spot the flying Fifty-One and wonder if it’s actually Iron Man. “His armor’s different” muses a guard, and the driver of the vehicle responds with “His armor’s always –“ before being interrupted by an electrical attack from Fifty-One. But their sentiments should not go unheeded by Marvel.

Marvel Admits Iron Man Officially Has Too Many Armors

As of 2020, Iron Man has constructed over sixty-one different suits of armor – but he’s created even more in the years following. Perhaps the only consistency in the design is the red-and-gold color scheme and the glowing circle (0r occasionally a triangle or other shape) in his chest. Combine this with the fact that many of Iron Man’s villains are also often seen wearing similar suits of armor, and Tony Stark has a serious branding issue. Plenty of Iron Man’s suits, including designs like his bulky 90s suit – are unrecognizable as the Armored Avenger, especially to new readers.

While Tony Stark’s constant tinkering with his armor is part of the character’s appeal, his (and Marvel’s) reluctance to settle on one single design means the superhero looks different with every appearance. Other superheroes may obtain occasional costume changes (usually at the beginning of a new run), but Stark has them all beat; regularly changing suits is now expected of him. Iron Man has a classic design, but Marvel seems reluctant to rely on it.