Marvel: 5 Inspirational Bucky Barnes Scenes (& 5 Fans Felt Sorry For Him)

Marvel: 5 Inspirational Bucky Barnes Scenes (& 5 Fans Felt Sorry For Him)

Throughout his long life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bucky Barnes has been many things: Steve Rogers’ protector, Captain America’s best friend, The Winter Soldier, The White Wolf, and just plain old Bucky.

Whatever life he was living, Bucky has always been a hero. But like all heroes, he’s had his fair share of wins and losses, and moments both inspiring and pitiable.

Inspiring: Defending Pre-Serum Steve

Marvel: 5 Inspirational Bucky Barnes Scenes (& 5 Fans Felt Sorry For Him)

The first time the audience meets Bucky Barnes is a great moment, as he steps in to protect a pre-serum Steve Rogers from a bully who has cornered him.

While Steve could, “do this all day,” Bucky refuses to allow his friend to get hurt and nobly defends him, even though it’s clear this is not the first time Steve has picked a fight he couldn’t finish. That’s real BFF goals.

Felt Sorry For Him: Being Taken to War

Captain America and Bucky Barnes in WWII (Marvel)

While Steve Rogers is ready to lay his life on the line for his country, Bucky seems less enthused by the concept of war–citing all kinds of efforts as equally important as marching onto the battlefield.

Bucky seems more like a lover than a fighter, but he has no choice but to leave Steve and head off to the fight, leaving the audience, who knows his fate, to feel sad for him.

Inspiring: Refusing to Leave Without Steve

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in Captain America The First Avenger

Although fans feel sorry for Bucky when he ‘s captured and tortured by Zola and Red Skull, they’re inspired by his loyalty again soon after Steve charges in to save him. When Steve orders Bucky to run for safety and save his own life, Bucky refuses to go,  yelling, “No, no, without you.”

That kind of depth of emotion for someone else is worth aspiring to.

Felt Sorry For Him: Falling off the Train

Bucky’s safety is only temporary, however, and soon he and Steve find themselves fighting for their lives on a train.

Bucky is knocked off the edge of the moving vehicle, and Steve is unable to pull him back to safety and can only watch tearfully as his best friend plummets to his presumed death. Viewers feel sorry for them both as they are wrenched apart once more so soon after their reunion… And even more sorry knowing what awaits Bucky.

Inspiring: Breaking His Conditioning

It’s no ordinary man that could break through Hydra’s conditioning, but Bucky Barnes manages to do it–remembering himself and his childhood best friend before he can deal a killing blow.

Bucky manages to return to himself when Steve utters their familiar vow to one another, pushing away untold horrors and tortures, to regain control of his mind. The scene is incredibly moving and truly inspirational.

Felt Sorry For Him: Being Triggered Against His Will

Bucky is captured in Civil War

In Captain America: Civil War, Bucky is hiding out, trying to eat plums and gather his memories and personhood together, but unfortunately the world has other plans. In an attempt to punish the Avengers, a man by the name of Zemo, frames Bucky for murder, then arranges for him to be brought into custody, where he can get close enough to trigger him with a set of code words embedded in Bucky’s mind.

Bucky, of course, knows what’s coming when he hears the first words, and the way he pleads not to be forced into his Winter Soldier state truly awakens sympathy in those watching.

Inspiring: Waking Up in Wakanda

One of the most beautiful scenes in the MCU is when Bucky Barnes wakes up in Wakanda, Hydra’s conditioning removed from his brain. There is a true serenity to the moment, as Bucky meets the Wakandan Princess, Shuri and asks to be called “Bucky,” reclaiming his identity and personhood.

For many who have suffered trauma, this scene of peaceful recovery is incredibly touching.

Felt Sorry For Him: Finding Out He Killed Howard and Maria Stark

Bucky and Cap fight Iron Man in Civil War

Regardless if fans are Team Cap or Team Iron Man, they can all agree Bucky Barnes is a victim. In the final battle sequence in Civil War, fans feel extremely sorry for Bucky, knowing as they do that he had no control over any of his crimes.

His wince and the overall expression on his face as the video of his unwitting crimes begins to play is truly hard to witness.

Inspiring: Fighting the Final Battle

Despite all the hardships Bucky endures during his MCU existence, he never stops trying to do what is right.

During Endgame, he participates in the final battle against Thanos, stepping up with all the other heroes to protect the earth. When fans look at what Bucky has been through, his continuing ability to fight is inspiring.

Felt Sorry For Him: When Steve Leaves

At the end of Endgame, Steve Rogers takes off to the past, in a truly uncharacteristic move, leaving Bucky and the rest of the universe behind to fend for themselves.

After being snapped in Infinity War, and given all their struggles to be together, this really is a sad moment for Bucky. Fans can only hope it was actually committed by a skrull.