Marvel: 10 Comics Perfect For Fans Of Captain America & Bucky Barnes’ MCU Relationship

Marvel: 10 Comics Perfect For Fans Of Captain America & Bucky Barnes’ MCU Relationship

As most fans of the MCU know, the stories in the films are often very different from the ones in the comics, and the narratives of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are no different. However, the movies do draw from many comic book runs, so for fans of the relationship between these two, there are a lot of different options out there.

Some of these comics focus more on one character and their backstory and history while others are focused on the relationship between these two men. As for Bucky, his character in the MCU is actually inspired by a couple of different characters and iterations in Marvel comics, so these stories are highlighted here, too.

Captain America: Road to Reborn

Marvel: 10 Comics Perfect For Fans Of Captain America & Bucky Barnes’ MCU Relationship

This series of comics comes directly after the “death” of Steve Rogers in the Civil War comics. And, while Civil War does happen in the movies, it plays out quite differently in the comics.

In this run, the focus is on Steve’s friends and their journeys, and Bucky is the main focus as he looks for his own kind of redemption. Along with Bucky, the series also follows Sharon Carter as well as some iconic villains like the Red Skull.

Captain America Comics #1

Captain America punches hitler

For people who love Steve Rogers, it’s necessary to go back to where it all started when Jack Kirby and Joe Simon created the iconic character. It gives a lot of insight into who Captain America was created to be.

As for Bucky, things get a bit complicated here as the MCU version is very different from this very first version of the character. Bucky here is actually a child who is mostly a very simplistic sidekick, but this beginning run lets fans see the foundation and therefore the evolution of both of these characters.

Winter Soldier (2018)

Bucky Barnes as Winter Soldier on a road trip in his 2018 series.

Fans of Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will likely really enjoy this rather recent mini-series created by Kyle Higgins and Rod Reis. The story follows Bucky after he’s gained control of his mind as he tries to put his past behind him and make a new life.

While Steve Rogers isn’t in this mini-series, he is mentioned, and there are some great scenes with Tony Stark. Plus, Bucky has his very own white cat named Alpine that he adopts, and fans can’t get enough of seeing this softer side of the character.

Captain America(2004)

The original cover of Captain America: The Winter Solder.

With this run, Bucky Barnes starts to evolve more into the character that fans of the movies will recognize. In issues 8-14 of this series, Ed Brubaker created the version of the Winter Soldier that has become so iconic, and this interpretation is largely what MCU Bucky is based on.

Fans will even recognize specific moments such as the “who the hell is Bucky?” line from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This story has the two characters clashing and sets the foundation for everything to come.

Captain America: Trial of Captain America

Bucky Barnes as Captain America arrested in Trial of Captain America.

This narrative arc is mostly contained in the comics called Captain America Reborn: Who Will Wield the Shield? as well as Captain America 602-615.

This run asks some very interesting questions about Captain America’s own choices as well as Bucky’s past as the Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is back, and the question of if Bucky should have the shield is central here which will always be interesting to fans of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.


Invaders Comic showing Captain America and Bucky talking

This comic might be one of the most fun and interesting on this list, and it’s perfect for fans who love shipping as well as fans who just love these characters in general. Invaders features Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, and Namor with appearances by T’Challa and Shuri.

It’s a great way to get to know a bit more about the character of Namor as well and features iconic interactions between all of the four men. After Namor is trying to take over the land and turns humans into Atlanteans, a lot unfolds. Plus, it features Shuri turning Steve and Bucky into mermen of sorts. Fans can really see Bucky and Steve’s relationship in moments that seem taken directly out of the MCU.

Infinity War: Prelude #1

Bucky Barnes in Avengers Infinity War prelude 1

While most of the comics on this list exist outside of the MCU, this one is a little different. This comic was created before Avengers: Infinity War was released and tells the story of what characters, including Steve and Bucky, were doing after Civil War.

Here, fans see Shuri fix Bucky’s brain, and there are many great moments between all of the characters that set up more about the relationship between Steve and Bucky. It’s like uncovering deleted scenes from the MCU.

Captain America Vol 1 #268-350

arnie roth and steve rogers

While Ed Brubaker’s Winter Soldier was one of the main influences on the MCU version of the character, there is one other character that inspired Bucky. The character is named Arnold Roth, and he was Steve Rogers’ childhood friend before the war. This character was actually the first LGBTQ+ character in Marvel comics.

So, if fans want to see how his backstory influenced Bucky Barnes in the movie, or if they’re interested in Stucky in a romantic way, this is a good choice for them.

Captain America: First Vengeance (2011)

Captain America The First Vengence, Bucky teaching Steve how to fight

Another MCU tie-in, this series of comics gives even more legs to the friendship shown between Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in the MCU. In the issues, Steve has a series of flashbacks relating to Bucky, from their earliest meetings to attending painting class together, to Bucky teaching him how to fight, and ends up saving him from Hydra.

These moments are alluded to and even shown in The First Avenger, but the comic series really brings them to life. This series is a must-read for fans of Bucky and Steve.

Planet Hulk(2015)

planet hulk steve and bucky

Perhaps the most well-loved comic run of all for people who love Steve and Bucky as close friends or as romantic partners is this one. This alternate universe tells the story of Steve Rogers fighting his way through a Battleword with Devil Dinosaur. Bucky and Steve are childhood friends in this version, too, and much of the comic revolves around Steve trying to rescue Bucky.

It’s the version of these two characters that is the closest they ever get to being in a romantic relationship, but it does end tragically. Still, for fans who love them, it’s really like getting more time with their favorite incarnations of their favorite characters.