Married At First Sight: Why It Was Wrong For Michael to Be Asked Questions For Absent Brandon

Married At First Sight: Why It Was Wrong For Michael to Be Asked Questions For Absent Brandon

Michael provided plenty of discernment’s to be disliked as a husband for Meka but the season 10 reunion of Married at First Sight provided some fans a reason to side with him. During the reunion episode, Michael was bombarded with questions about absent cast mate Brandon. The pressure placed on Michael to speak up for his friend felt uncomfortable and wrong.

Brandon and Michael’s controversial actions on Married at First Sight majorly contributed to their divorces. Specifically, Michael’s compulsive lying and Brandon’s explosive behavior furthermore kept fans from aligning with them in any way. While Michael and Meka’s divorce ended amicably, Brandon and Taylor’s separation ended with both being arrested and filing restraining orders on one another. The court documented protective orders prevented Brandon from attending the reunion. In his absence, host Kevin Frazier directed his questions toward Brandon’s apparent ally Micheal.

Tensions were high on the reunion special and only intensified with the address of Brandon and Taylor’s legal affairs. Kevin acted as a good host, making sure everyone’s side was heard, even having Michael share his thoughts about Brandon and Taylor as a solution for Brandon not being there. Though his intentions were good, it led to an uncomfortable situation for Michael. This ultimately caused him to abruptly leave the stage.

Married At First Sight: Why It Was Wrong For Michael to Be Asked Questions For Absent Brandon

Upon leaving, Kevin followed him backstage where it was revealed Michael felt uncomfortable about having to speak on someone else’s personal situation, especially with not being prepared for it. While some were understanding to that feeling, specifically Derek and Austin, Meka debated that Michael was running from the questions as he did when they had problems in their marriage.

Meka’s concerns are reasonable, considering her history with Michael on Married at First Sight. However, it seems unfair to both Brandon and Michael that one is speaking for the other. It brings up a couple of underlying issues, which Michael hesitantly mentioned in the episode. Brandon has shared he suffers from panic attacks. Michael attempted to bring this up, but then decided not to as it was clear he felt uncomfortable speaking on his friends’ personal matter. While Brandon’s actions are inexcusable, it is worth considering his mental state. Secondly, Michael shared he felt as the only other black man on the show he didn’t think he should be the one speaking on another black man’s behalf. Kevin did not see it from that perspective but Michael should not be faulted for feeling that way. There are many solutions that could have been provided to have Brandon share his side. He could have been allowed to give a statement or filmed a separate interview with Kevin. If those options were declined, it could have been stated at the reunion and moved on without his input. Regardless of how Michael’s previous actions may have tainted viewers perspective of him, this situation felt unfair.