Married At First Sight: All The Experts’ Matches That Perplexed Audiences

Married At First Sight: All The Experts’ Matches That Perplexed Audiences

There are some couples from Married at First Sight who seem perfect for each other, while others seem like total mismatches. Though the expert matchmakers have an extensive process to find the cast members that are best suited for each other, some fans are wondering if it is a hoax after seeing these pairs. Here are four matches that left fans baffled.

Though MAFS has a low success rate, there are some couples that have beat the odds and are still married to this day. Ashley Petta and Anthony D’Amico come to mind as both fan favorites and the most pure hearted couple in the franchise. Ashley and Anthony seemed like a perfect match on paper and in reality, as they were both easygoing sweethearts during their run on season 5.

Not all couples were as lucky as these two, with one couple lasting only a few days before the divorce and others not even trying to live with each other before ending things.

Amber Bowles and Matt Gwynne

Married At First Sight: All The Experts’ Matches That Perplexed Audiences

Amber and Matt shared a love of basketball, as he used to play professionally and she was a big fan of the NBA, but that is where their similarities ended. Amber and Matt had completely different lifestyles as she was a middle school teacher and he spent a lot of his days drinking and partying. This match was also confusing because Matt wanted to marry a tall woman, and Amber was almost two feet shorter than him, making her insecure from the start. Many Married at First Sight fans wondered how Matt even got on the show, as he was technically homeless but was allegedly fooling the matchmakers during the entire interview process.

Christina Crochet and Henry Rodriguez

Henry Christina Married At First Sight wedding

Sometimes the Married at First Sight matchmakers follow the old saying that opposites attract, with a prime example being Christina and Henry. Unfortunately for all involved, there was no attraction and the pair did not seem compatible in any way. The couple had their share of accusations, with Christina claiming Henry was gay while Henry claimed Christina was actually homeless. Henry was introverted and liked being at home while Christina always wanted to go out and had an over-the-top personality.

Haley Harrison and Jacob Harder

Haley and Jake in Married at First Sight

Haley and Jake’s relationship on Married at First Sight season 12 remains one of the strangest pairings in the show’s history. Fans may never understand why outgoing 28-year-old sorority girl Haley was paired with quirky 38-year-old Jake. Many fans remember Haley’s priceless reaction to learning about Jake’s obsession with the 80s and seeing his unusual house. Not only did the couple have no chemistry, but on paper no one would pick these two as a couple, and unsurprisingly they did not last.

Iris Caldwell and Keith Manley

Keith and Iris in Married at First Sight in wedding clothes

Another seemingly obvious mismatch from the experts was Keith and Iris on Married at First Sight season 9. Though the matchmakers saw that both Iris and Kris had a religious background, they did not seem compatible otherwise. Keith was looking for a more experienced partner, and Iris was a virgin with intimacy issues, making the couple doomed from the start.