Married At First Sight: 8 Signs Clare & Cameron Don’t Understand Each Other (Will They Get Divorced?)

Married At First Sight: 8 Signs Clare & Cameron Don’t Understand Each Other (Will They Get Divorced?)

Married at First Sight season 17 couple Cameron Frazer and Clare Kerr are having critical miscommunications which could lead to a potential divorce. Cameron, 33, is a New Zealand native who has made Colorado his home base. He owns a bike shop and was seeking a mature and independent partner who could match his high activity level. Clare is a 27-year-old therapist who was seeking someone goofy but also stable in life. The pair hit it off right away, but obvious issues facing the pair in terms of their communication and understanding of one another soon presented themselves.

During their honeymoon, they had a lot of trouble finding the “spark” in their connection and are still having that same problem as viewers watch them on Married at First Sight season 17. They have differing outlooks on religion, initiative, and affection gestures, and those misfires are playing a negative part in their marriage. They have shown they are able to have funny banter and laugh at each other, but their relationship has taken on a more serious and critical tone. Cameron and Clare moved in together and had their housewarming party during the last episode, and it revealed a lot about where they are romantically.

Married At First Sight: 8 Signs Clare & Cameron Don’t Understand Each Other (Will They Get Divorced?)


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8 Clare Is Overly Critical

Whether it is inherent to her therapist/psychologist nature, Clare has been adamant about drawing Cameron’s feelings and viewpoints out of him, despite his uncomfortability. During the honeymoon (via Lifetime,) Clare first showed her hyper-critical side when she dragged Cameron for not helping her with her suitcase. They have had similar tension in other conversations, and Clare’s approach to those situations has become very interpretative, and she calls Cameron out for his reactions.

Cameron appears uneasy whenever Clare comes in strong on his viewpoints, and it seems as though she doesn’t give Cameron much room to have his opinions. If Clare were to lighten up on her new husband, let him have his thoughts and feelings, and present them to her in due time, their connection might be stronger. Cameron doesn’t seem to be reacting well to Clare’s censorious nature, and it’s causing misunderstandings. Clare’s expectations are too high for how Cameron’s communication style is presenting itself.

7 Cameron Is Leaving Important Information About Himself Out

Cameron Frazer Married at First Sight season 17 in black shirt for interview

While Clare might be overly critical, Cameron is not making it easy to be understood because he is not putting himself out there enough. Cameron has been aloof about critical personal information. During the last Married at First Sight episode, Cameron dropped the bomb that his dad was dying and didn’t know about his marrying a stranger journey. He divulged that in front of Clare’s friend, which took Clare by surprise because she had no idea about any of that. In fact, Cameron told her his parents knew about the experiment and that they would have a New Zealand wedding in the future.

By leaving important information about himself out and omitting truths, Cameron is setting himself up for a disconnect with Clare. Clare is not responding well to Cameron’s lack of sharing important details about his life, and she is growing frustrated. It seems like Clare wants Cameron to be more of an open book, but he is making that challenging, and it’s causing a disconnect.

6 Cameron Does Not Feel Comfortable Opening Up To Clare

Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer from Married at First Sight season 17 sitting at kitchen counter talking

During the latest episode, Cameron vocalized how he didn’t feel like Clare was making a safe space for him to open up. Cameron denoted, “There is no real expression of feelings towards me,” and that it was difficult to build a relationship with Clare because of that. Cameron may not be giving Clare the communication she wants to see because he doesn’t feel like they are on that intimate and connected level where talking about major life events or difficult feelings feels natural or welcomed.

5 Clare Is Concerned About Cameron’s Unpreparedness

Clare and Cameron’s miscommunication issues were apparent before their housewarming party. Clare expected Cameron to bring food home and to have his “anything but a cup” vessel ready for the party. She voiced her concern about Cameron’s general unpreparedness, and it was obvious that his not being prepared the way she thought stressed her out. Cameron had his own logic about the situation and didn’t think he was unprepared necessarily, and he tried to work on solutions. However, the whole situation irked Clare, who likes to stick to plans and count on things to be a certain way in situations like this one.

4 Clare Gets Stressed Out Easily

As demonstrated by her stressed demeanor by Cameron not following through on what he said before the party, Clare has a short fuse when it comes to becoming stressed. Another example is when Clare got stressed on the honeymoon when she and Cameron were at an impasse regarding their thoughts on therapy. Clare has a more rigid and expectant personality, and since Cameron has not catered to that in several instances, the way Clare becomes and handles stress is proving to be an issue and a breakdown for the couple.

3 Clare Needs To Be Right

Clare and Cameron (via Access Hollywood) have had several conversations, like the one about therapy, where Clare has needed to feel like her point was the right point. During the housewarming, Clare’s friends pointed out that Clare has a strong personality and was always right. Cameron conceded that Clare was the smartest girl he had ever dated and that she was always right, but that is an unhealthy character trait. Having to always be right means Clare always needs to get the last word in and try to prove Cameron’s standpoints wrong.

2 Clare and Cameron Have Not Been Intimate Enough

Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer from Married at FIrst SIght season 17 looking in same direction

Intimacy has not been on the table for Cameron and Clare. Cameron expressed that he was an affectionate person and that physical intimacy was his gateway to opening up. Cameron has often shown his interest through physical touch, but Clare has not reciprocated much. There have been hugs and leg and arm touching between the pair, but Cameron is putting it on Clare to move things further because he is sensing she should be the one to lead the pace, and he doesn’t want to be pushy about intimacy. Clare and Cameron have not kissed since the honeymoon, and it seems as though their romantic connection is waning.

1 Cameron And Clare Will Have A Big Argument

Clare Kerr from Married at First Sight season 17 in coat talking outside with a friend

Based on the trailer for this season, Clare and Cameron have an ugly fight ahead of them. While sitting on the couch, the pair will talk over each other and Clare will make it known that she is angered by the situation and escalation. Married at First Sight viewers have yet to know what that fight is over, but it’s likely a culmination of their misunderstandings. Clare and Cameron do have an attraction to each other, and they have shown their willingness to sit through difficult talks and circumstances, so there is hope for them yet.

If Clare and Cameron have a hope of saying yes to each other come Decision Day, they need to step up their communication strategies towards one another. Moreover, they need to advance their intimacy so that a romantic connection has room to grow. Each of them needs to be more understanding of the other so they don’t find themselves encountering the same pitfalls of miscommunication, unwillingness to open up, and being overly critical. Married at First Sight season 17 still has many episodes to go, so viewers should keep watching to find out if Clare and Cameron can overcome their marital struggles.

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