Mark Hamill’s Other Star Wars Roles Show How He Can Still Be In The Franchise

Mark Hamill’s Other Star Wars Roles Show How He Can Still Be In The Franchise

Mark Hamill helped make Star Wars iconic with his portrayal of Luke Skywalker, but he has also filled other roles with his voice acting, which could show how he could continue to be part of the galaxy far, far away. Hamill has been part of the Star Wars movies for more than 40 years, and has played Luke Skywalker in every stage of his life. He played an important part in the sequel trilogy, but Luke’s death has left Hamill’s future with the franchise uncertain.

Hamill has been one of the most influential figures in all of Star Wars. His portrayal of Luke still stands as the blueprint for other Jedi to follow, and he still has a huge influence on the upcoming Star Wars movies and shows. He could have more than just an influence on new Star Wars projects, though, and some of Hamill’s other Star Wars roles prove how it could be done. While he is known as Luke, Hamill also has some surprising credits in different shows and movies.

Mark Hamill’s Other Star Wars Roles Show How He Can Still Be In The Franchise


9 Things Luke Skywalker Did After The Star Wars Original Trilogy

Luke Skywalker’s adventures in Star Wars after Return of the Jedi are largely shrouded in mystery, but some of his timeline has been revealed.

Mark Hamill Has Voiced Other Star Wars Characters

Mark Hamill has had a long and prolific career in voice acting, from his long tenure as the Joker in multiple Batman projects to his portrayal of Fire Lord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender. His skill at using his voice to personify whatever role he is cast in, and he was able to make some of his characters completely unforgettable. Star Wars could capitalize on Hamill’s voice acting talents, which would also keep him in the franchise, a strategy that has already been employed.

Mark Hamill’s Character

TV Show/Movie

Darth Bane

The Clone Wars

Dobbu Scay

The Last Jedi


The Rise of Skywalker


The Mandalorian

Hamill has voiced numerous characters throughout the Star Wars franchise, from heroes to villains. He first became the voice of Darth Bane, the creator of the Sith Rule of Two in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 6, episode 13, and has since voiced Dobbu Scay and Boolio in the sequel trilogy. He also made it into Star Wars TV shows by voicing EV-9D9, the bartender droid in Mos Eisley, in The Mandalorian. Hamill has a long history of embodying different characters across the Star Wars galaxy as a voice actor, which the franchise always needs.

Star Wars Always Needs More Voice Actors

Split Image of Tales of the Jedi Poster, Kanan Jarrus, and Bendu

Star Wars has always created characters who almost always wear helmets, as well as aliens whose actors are hidden behind prosthetic makeup or CGI. As technology improves and new installments to the franchise get bigger budgets, it is increasingly likely that non-human characters will become more common in Star Wars. Voice actors give life to these characters, and the franchise always needs actors who can deliver a stellar performance with their voice alone.

Star Wars is also continuing to develop more animated shows like The Bad Batch and Tales of the Jedi, which increases its need for voice actors even further. Animated shows highlight voice actors’ talents even further, and a good voice can make a character iconic. He is one of the most skilled voice actors in the business, and adding Hamill to an animated show’s cast would all but guarantee success.

Voice Acting May Be The Perfect Way To Keep Mark Hamill In Star Wars

Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in Star Wars and Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Moving forward in the timeline presents a problem, as Luke could only appear as a Force ghost. Likewise, moving back to a previous era of Star Wars also would be challenging, as Mark Hamill is currently 72 years old, and the physical aspects of fight and action sequences may be too demanding for him. Voice acting would provide the perfect solution to those problems, though, as another actor could provide the physicality of the role while Hamill lends his voice to the character.

There is also precedent for replacing another actor’s voice with Hamill’s, as recent depictions of a young Luke Skywalker have used body doubles coupled with Hamill’s voice work to make the discrepancy in Luke’s age more believable. His cameos in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have proven that the strategy is viable, and the methods used to replicate his younger face will only improve with time. While reprising his role as Luke seems likely, there are more options available to bring Hamill back to the galaxy far, far away.

What Roles Could Mark Hamill Play In The Future Of Star Wars?

The most likely way for Hamill to remain in the series is if Star Wars shows more of Luke’s involvement in the New Republic era. Shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka have already started to depict this period in the Star Wars timeline, and it seems likely that Luke will be a major player as the threat to the galaxy continues to increase. Hamill would lend the best recreation of Luke’s voice possible, which he has already done. While he could voice his famous character again, the door is also wide open for him to explore new roles.

The nature of voice acting, along with Hamill’s incredible range, means that he could conceivably play any role Star Wars needs him to. While he could embody any number of characters, he has another established role that he could be likely to reprise. Upcoming Star Wars shows like The Acolyte will follow members of the Sith more closely, and they could start to depict the origins of the Sith. He has already voiced a Sith Lord, and reprising the role of Darth Bane would be the perfect next step for Hamill’s involvement in the franchise.

Mark Hamill’s influence on the success of Star Wars is undeniable. He became the face of the franchise and introduced multiple generations to the magic of the galaxy far, far away. He could continue to shape the franchise by lending his iconic voice to any number of characters, and Star Wars should give him the chance to do so. Hamill’s voice acting skills mean he can continue to be part of the franchise he helped create for as long as he wants.

Star Wars Franchise Poster

Star Wars

Created by
George Lucas

Mark Hamill , James Earl Jones , David Prowse , Carrie Fisher , Harrison Ford , Daisy Ridley , Adam Driver , Ian McDiarmid , Ewan McGregor , Rosario Dawson , Lars Mikkelsen , Rupert Friend , Moses Ingram , Frank Oz , Pedro Pascal