Mario Party Superstars Mini-Game Includes An Injury Warning Label

Mario Party Superstars is bringing back the infamous tug of war mini-game from Mario Party 1, but this time with a warning label to avoid blisters. Mario Party has had a variety of mini-games across the series, but none are perhaps as well known as the tug of war mini-game.

The rotating control stick mini-games Mario Party 1 are infamous for causing many blisters to players back when it was on the Nintendo 64. For tug of war, players would rotate the control stick in order to pull the other team into the piranha plant. However, many players would rotate the control stick using the palm of their hand in order to gain an advantage. which could potentially cause injuries like blisters to appear on their hands. Nintendo issued protective gloves in response to kids getting injured, as well as recommending that players don’t use the palm of their hands for those Mario Party mini-games.

That recommendation carries on in the Mario Party Superstars rendition of tug of war. A picture of the mini-game was tweeted by user KirbyCheatFurby, showing that the mini-game appeared to have the same controls as the original, but this time with a warning label. The label urges players to not rotate the control stick using the palm of their hands in order to avoid injury. With Mario Party Superstars releasing very soon, details such as these have been leaking on the internet due to some providers possessing early copies of the game.

Mario Party Superstars will feature boards from the Nintendo 64 games and mini-games from all across the Mario Party series. The mini-games range from the first Mario Party to Mario Party 10 on the Wii U. Through the mini-games and boards, Mario Party Superstars is meant to be a celebration of the series. For better or worse, this seems to include the controversial elements of Mario Party such as the tug of war mini-game.

The reception to the return of this mini-game has been mixed. Some replies in the aforementioned tweet didn’t want the mini-game in at all, while others are concerned at how the mini-game could damage the already defective joy-cons. But the warning label does at least go some way to prevent tug of war injuries from occurring. It also allows Nintendo to not claim responsibility for players being injured should the label be ignored. It will remain to be seen how the player-base will grapple with this new rendition of Mario Party’s tug of war, but hopefully there will be much less injuries than when the series first launched.

Mario Party Superstars will be available for Nintendo Switch on October 29, 2021.