Mario Kart 8 Director Thinks Fighting Is What Makes It Popular

Mario Kart 8 Director Thinks Fighting Is What Makes It Popular

Recent comments from Mario Kart 8 director Kosuke Yabuki shed some light on why he thinks the beloved series is so popular, citing its offensive gameplay mechanics as major contributors to its success. Mario Kart 8 was a smash hit on the Wii U and then later on the Nintendo Switch, and the minds behind the game have not been shy when it comes to giving their opinions on it.

Anyone who has spent time playing a Mario Kart game knows that it’s different from other racers. Its colorful, bouncy aesthetic sets it apart from other contemporary racing games, which more often than not take an approach much closer to realism. This loose relationship with realism also allows the maps to be significantly more unpredictable and creative, as they are not strictly tethered to the laws of physics or nature. One of the biggest differences between Mario Kart and other racing games, though, is the item system, which lets players pick up and use various buffs, such as a red mushroom that grants a temporary speed boost, and offensive tools, like a Chain Chomp that tears through competing racers. As Mario Kart 8 continues to expand with new DLC, these pickups remain at the forefront of the experience.

Long-time series producer and Mario Kart 8 director Kosuke Yabuki spoke to Japanese gaming outlet Nikkei (via Nintendo Life) about the legacy of the franchise and what its future looks like. When asked why he thinks the series is so popular, Yabuki said this:

“Generally speaking, you’re not trying to hinder your opponent in racing games, but in Mario Kart, you spend races throwing shells at them and trying to make them slip on banana peels. Those unique tactics are the core of Mario Kart’s appeal.

It’s both an accessible and deep game. There are people who only play the game on Christmas or New Year’s, while others work to improve their skills every day. We’re always mindful of balancing the experience for both types of players.”

Mario Kart 8 Director Thinks Fighting Is What Makes It Popular

While many fans might be more attracted to things like Mario Kart‘s multitudinous tracks and content expansions, there is no doubt that the game’s fighting system is a major draw for many. Yabuki is correct in saying that most racing games are primarily focused on individual player success rather than any sort of offensive gameplay, so Mario Kart stands apart from the pack in that regard. A look at kart racers inspired by the Mario Kart games will show just how central this mechanic is, as they will almost always feature their own version of the system.

The pickup and fighting mechanics also make the games more accessible. Dedicated players can improve their skills and get a leg-up over the competition in most cases, but the fact that the games are programmed to give racers in the back better items means that they have more chances to gain an advantage. Perhaps future Mario Kart clones will be able to iterate upon this system, but it’s hard to imagine a game pulling it off better than Mario Kart 8.