“Many Times the Speed of Light”: Marvel’s Fastest Hero Makes Flash Look Like an Underachiever

“Many Times the Speed of Light”: Marvel’s Fastest Hero Makes Flash Look Like an Underachiever

While the Flash is generally known as the fastest superhero of all time, there is one Marvel character who may be his equal – or even faster. However, as is typical when it gets to the maximum strength of superhero powers, the answer is so extreme, it depends who can bend the laws of reality furthest without breaking them.

In Rick Remender, Daniel Acuña and Clayton Cowles’ Uncanny Avengers #10, the titular team face some of the most powerful figures in Marvel history. The Grim Reaper, Banshee, and Wolverine’s son Daken have all been resurrected and enhanced with Celestial Death Seeds, turning them into godlike forces of nature. However, the strongest of the group is the Sentry, who lays into Thor with everything he has.

“Many Times the Speed of Light”: Marvel’s Fastest Hero Makes Flash Look Like an Underachiever

In a shocking moment, the issue’s narration confirms that Sentry is moving so fast, the laws of time and space are bent, and he and Thor fly through space “many times the speed of light.” Indeed, the velocity is so intense that even Thor – a literal God – begins to pass out.

Sentry Can Surpass the Speed of Light

Sentry’s Powers Are Way More Extreme Than They Seem

The Sentry is famous for being Marvel’s Superman, but there’s actually a lot more to Bob Reynolds than that. After stealing a new version of the Super Soldier Serum, Bob was connected to a cosmic force of power that allows him to alter reality on a molecular level – generally via his subconscious desires. While Sentry presents as a super-strong, super-durable figure capable of expelling energy equal to “a million exploding suns,” his actual power is to alter reality on a molecular level. In short, Sentry has whatever powers he wants to have – he’s a godlike hero because that’s what he strives to be, however he’s also randomly demonstrated the ability to turn invisible, transfer his powers to others, and even resurrect the dead.

An Upgraded Sentry Means All Bets Are Off

Sentry Was Marvel’s Most Powerful Hero Even BEFORE the Death Seed

death seed sentry marvel's superman-1

However, in Uncanny Avengers Bob’s powers were enhanced even further. Sentry was resurrected using a Death Seed – advanced technology that the Celestials use to empower specific individuals who are meant to safeguard the process of evolution (often by wiping out any species considered genetic dead ends.) The Death Seed enhances an individual’s power, and gave Sentry the strength to hold back a Celestial from attacking Earth. Because of this, it’s not surprising his reality-warping would be strong enough that he could surpass the speed of light many times over.

Sentry vs Flash Is Closer Than You Think

Flash’s Powers Have Caveats That Sentry’s Don’t

It’s the nature of Sentry’s power rather than his literal speed that allows him to challenge the Flash. In DC lore, speedsters can run at ludicrous speeds that bend natural law to breaking point – Flash has even described himself as “faster than time.” However, when the Flash runs fast enough, it causes his body to interact with physics in weird and unexpected ways. Flash’s top speed has caused him to melt into ‘velociplasm’ before, and he famously disintegrated and merged with the Speed Force during Crisis on Infinite Earths. However, as established by JLA/Avengers, the Speed Force doesn’t touch Marvel’s reality – a major difference in physics that means Sentry may actually be able to go faster than Flash simply because nothing ‘happens’ when he goes beyond a certain speed.

Ultimately, Flash and the Sentry experience speed in very different ways. Flash bends the laws of physics by using speed, while Sentry achieves high speeds by rewriting the laws of physics. Whether the Sentry can outrace Flash or not, he’s certainly the fastest hero in Marvel history, and his brief use of the Death Speed pushed him so far, even the gods couldn’t keep up.