Mandalorian: The One Yoda Thing That Baby Yoda Shouldn’t Have

Mandalorian: The One Yoda Thing That Baby Yoda Shouldn’t Have

There is one trait of Yoda’s that Baby Yoda shouldn’t acquire in The Mandalorian. The young figure (officially referred to as “The Child”) rose to popularity from the first moment he appeared in the Disney+ series set in the Star Wars universe. Much is still left unknown about the foundling except that he’s the same species as Yoda, another beloved Star Wars figure.

Baby Yoda made his debut in The Mandalorian when bounty hunter Din Djarin was hired to retrieve a 50-year-old asset for members of the Imperials. When Din discovered the target was an infant, he delivered it to the Imperial remnant facility before quickly reneging the deal. Din then took Baby Yoda to the outskirts of the galaxy to keep him safe. In time, Din realized how special the foundling truly was, vowing to discover the infant’s origin before returning it to its kind.

Aside from their physical traits, the only similarity between Yoda and The Child is that they were both portrayed as being Force-sensitive. Whereas Yoda was highly skilled in his Force abilities, Baby Yoda is just starting to scratch the surface with his powers. The only other member of Yoda’s mysterious species, Yaddle, was also Force-sensitive which suggests it’s a commonality among the alien species. Baby Yoda has yet to talk and instead, coos like a human child. When he does learn to talk, he shouldn’t share Yoda’s distinctive speech pattern. The character is known for rearranging words in his sentences so they fit the order of object–subject–verb. This characteristic should be unique to Yoda, and Yoda alone.

Yoda’s Speech Pattern Is His Defining Trait

Mandalorian: The One Yoda Thing That Baby Yoda Shouldn’t Have

Yoda’s odd, yet entertaining, speech pattern is a defining trait of the Star Wars character. This detail in his creation helped make Yoda an iconic figure in not just the franchise but also to pop culture as a whole. In many ways, Yoda’s way of speaking has become a symbol of wisdom. Sure, his 900 years of existence made him one of the wisest figures of the galaxy but the way he spoke during his Star Wars arc gave him an extra sense of authority. Yaddle, on the other hand, was known for her quietness, suggesting that the speech pattern isn’t necessarily a trait of the species.

The Mandalorian will hopefully confirm that fact when Baby Yoda matures. Once Baby Yoda gets his own name, he will have a chance to stand apart without being constantly compared to Yoda. Speaking normally wouldn’t take anything away from the young character. If anything, it would give Star Wars the chance to hone in on the fact that Yoda was a special and eccentric figure in the franchise. The Disney+ series will supposedly explore Baby Yoda’s species but it could be a while before he says his first words. Who else predicts the first word will be “Mando”?