Mamma Mia Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Mamma Mia Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Each Hogwarts House from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter has its classic traits, both positive and negative. From the brave but impulsive Gryffindors to the patient and hard-working Hufflepuffs, each House also has its archetypical characters within it showing off those traits.

These beloved characters from the Mamma Mia movies each display a range of distinctive personality types that fit perfectly into each of the four Hogwarts Houses. Here, we sort them into their appropriate houses, from Gryffindor to Slytherin, to see how they would each fit into the world of Harry Potter.

Donna Sheridan: Gryffindor

Mamma Mia Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Donna, played by the incredibly talented Meryl Streep, is a fun, outgoing, brave Gryffindor. She stars in her own Abba cover band, “Donna and the Dynamos”, complete with over-the-top outfits, and dives into challenging situations like moving to a Greek island where she hardly knows anyone and having a baby on her own there. As well as being a single mom, she single-handedly manages a run-down bed and breakfast.

Donna also has a few of the more negative Gryffindor traits such as stubbornness. She stubbornly raises her baby on her own without telling any of the possible fathers about it and refuses help from them when they show up for Sophie’s wedding.

Sophie Sheridan: Gryffindor

Sophie smiles as she sees Harry and Bill

Sophie, played by Amanda Seyfried, would most likely be sorted into Gryffindor due to her impetuous nature. She seems to figure things out on the fly, sometimes acting before thinking things through. Her decision to marry at such an early age may be an example of this. Another is her decision to write to all three of her possible fathers and invite them to the wedding. Sophie is sure she will “just know” which one is her father when she sees him. This impulsivity and optimism that things will just work out somehow fits perfectly with a Griffindor personality.

Tanya Chesham-Leigh: Slytherin

Tanya at Sophie's daughter's baptism

Christine Baranski plays the ambitious, smart, and sassy Tanya. This character knows what she wants and proactively goes and gets it. These are classic Slytherin traits. Three marriages, and three divorces, have left Tanya with plenty of money. She is unashamed of the fact that she has been left very well off from these relationships, and it is alluded to that she may seek out rich men in particular. She also has a thick skin: you’re not likely to see her crying over a failed marriage.

Slytherins have a bad reputation, but not all of them are evil or totally self-serving. Slytherins are capable of great loyalty and kindness. Tanya exemplifies this in her obvious love for Donna, Rosie, and Sophie. She is a thoughtful and supportive friend.

Rosie Mulligan: Gryffindor

Rosie smiling at the hotel party

Julie Walters plays the fun-loving Rosie, an author, and thrill-seeker who would fit in perfectly in Gryffindor House. This funny and feisty cookbook author is a self-described “lone wolf”, who loves the freedom of being able to do anything and go anywhere. She is part of the “Donna and the Dynamos” trio, showing her outgoing nature and gregarious personality. She’s always ready for a good time, and can usually be found wherever the party is.

Sam Carmichael: Hufflepuff

Sam talking to Sophie

Played by Pierce Brosnan, Sam is Donna’s first and last love. He is patient, loyal, and dedicated, traits that exemplify someone from Hufflepuff House.

Sam is a hard-working but humble architect. Hufflepuffs value dedication and working hard to achieve your goals, but they don’t need the accolades that come with success. It’s enough to do a good job.

Sam has been pining over Donna for years. The way he heartbrokenly bows out when realizes she has gone off with another man, and his long-lasting dedication to her, show his true Hufflepuff nature. He admits defeat and goes on to live his own life, but he never forgets her.

Harry Bright: Ravenclaw

Harry at the hotel party

The slightly awkward but sweet Harry, played by Colin Firth, would make a suitable Ravenclaw. Harry is a banker, showing both some intelligence and ambition. He also displays creativity as a musician.

The fact that he was once a punk rocker also points him toward Ravenclaw. The individuals of this House can be non-conformist and are likely to march to their own drum. The same can be said for Gryffindor, but Harry does not possess the Gryffindor traits of spontaneity, daring, or thrill-seeking.

Bill Anderson: Gryffindor

Bill smiling at Harry

Bill is played by Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård. He is a sailor and travel writer with a love of adventure. Full of spontaneity, courage, and daring, the only thing that seems to scare him is the idea of getting tied down to family responsibilities. When he first come to believe that he is Sophie’s father, he is overcome with anxiety and struggles with his conscience. Eventually, however, he comes to terms with this and decides that he wants to step up to this new role of being a father because it is the right thing to do. In his love of autonomy and adventure and his eventual acceptance of responsibility and honor, Bill shows a range of classic Gryffindor traits.

Sky Ramand: Gryffindor

Sky hugs Sophie at the hotel party

Sky, played by Dominic Cooper, is Sophie’s fiancee and likely a fellow Gryffindor. One of the main things that viewers know about Sky from the first Mamma Mia movie is that he wants to travel. He also isn’t all that keen on getting married and settling down. While he goes along with marrying Sophie, he is relieved when she decides that they don’t really need to go through with it. Like Sophie, he is a free spirit who seems to be most interested in adventure and finding new experiences. These shared traits, and shared Houses, will hopefully help to strengthen their relationship over time.