Magneto Officially Redefines the Meaning of His Iconic Helmet & Costume

Magneto Officially Redefines the Meaning of His Iconic Helmet & Costume

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Resurrection of Magneto #4Magneto is one of the X-Men’s most compelling and complex characters with a storied history dating back to the Children of the Atom’s debut. The Master of Magnetism has played the role of villain, hero, and everything between, all while putting mutants first in every lifetime. And with Erik having recently been resurrected, he’s deciding what sort of Magneto he wants to be – and redefining one of his most iconic looks in the process.

Resurrection of Magneto #4 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, Jesus Aburtov, and VC’s Joe Sabino pits Magnus against Orchis as he liberates one of their mutant prisons. Wielding three of his iconic helmets as weapons, he struggles with which to don. He perceives each helm as a marker of a different life as he tempers his violence against his fascist foes.

Magneto Officially Redefines the Meaning of His Iconic Helmet & Costume

Ultimately, Erik is forced to kills Orchis troops to save mutant lives, crystalizing his new outlook and outfit as a result. And while his redesign harkens back to his classic look, it now represents something totally different.

Close up images of Iron Man's helmet and Magneto's face in Marvel Comics art by Ross and Land


Iron Man & Magneto’s New Connection Permanently Rewrites Their Bond in Marvel Continuity

Iron Man and Magneto have faced off on more than one occasion, but the beef between these Marvel icons started based on their reputations alone.

Magneto’s Past Still Affects Him

Erik Isn’t The Man He Used To Be

As Magneto weighs his options in this issue, he redefines the meanings behind each helmet, defining them based on his newfound perceptions of morality. His black helmet signifies his more violent, rage-filled instincts, while the white helmet symbolizes his dream of co-existence alongside Professor X. He then sees his iconic red helmet as the middle ground between the two – a marker for the gray path he’s always walked to protect his people. Once again donning his red/purple helmet, Magneto holds true to the different layers of his past, while also charting a new course for his future.

During his siege, Magneto could quickly and ruthlessly kill every Orchis soldier he encounters, but instead, he repeatedly chooses to demonstrate mercy. It isn’t until he’s faced with no other choice but to kill them to save his fellow mutants that Magnus takes that final step, and even then, he makes a promise to himself to remember his new victims’ names. Refusing to pigeonhole himself into either moral extreme represented by his other helmets, Erik’s more classic redesign signifies his more measured approach moving forward. Magneto is still undoubtedly willing to kill for mutant safety, but not thoughtlessly.

Magneto Finally Knows Who He Is

Enemies Of Mutantkind Beware

Magneto, in his red and purple costume, stands in the middle of a circle of freed mutants and puts on his helmet.

Magneto has been a part of the X-Men’s legacy from the very beginning, and from the beginning he’s quite literally worn many different hats. At times, Magnus has been the X-Men’s greatest and most ruthless opponent, while at other times, he’s been their staunchest champion and defender. Time will tell whether this new Master of Magnetism falls back towards either extreme in the coming days, but one thing is for sure – whatever the future holds for Magneto, it will be his choice, and his choice alone.



The oldest and best-known adversary of the X-Men, Magneto has been a part of Marvel Comics since the mutant team was introduced. Bearing powers over magnetic fields, he views mutants as superior to normal humans, and aims to build a world where humans are dominant. The only thing stopping him is Professor X and his team of heroes.

Created By

Stan Lee
, Jack Kirby


Magnus, Max Eisenhardt, Erik Lehnsherr


, Marvel